I keep getting the following trace on with and without a deployment. (both with novarc file sourced.)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./run-tests", line 32, in <module>
retval = run_tests.main(sys.argv[1:], sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
File "/home/psivaa/temp/code-reviews/charm-tests/testing/run_tests.py", line 565, in main
options.include_regexps, options.exclude_regexps)
File "/home/psivaa/temp/code-reviews/charm-tests/testing/run_tests.py", line 448, in load_charm_tests
File "/home/psivaa/temp/code-reviews/charm-tests/testing/run_tests.py", line 356, in setCharmRoots
s.charm_root = '/'.join(flat_tests[0].id().split('.')[:3])
IndexError: list index out of range
Marking the MP, needs fixing. Please feel free to ignore if i'm doing abs stupid :)
I keep getting the following trace on with and without a deployment. (both with novarc file sourced.)
Traceback (most recent call last): main(sys. argv[1: ], sys.stdout, sys.stderr) psivaa/ temp/code- reviews/ charm-tests/ testing/ run_tests. py", line 565, in main include_ regexps, options. exclude_ regexps) psivaa/ temp/code- reviews/ charm-tests/ testing/ run_tests. py", line 448, in load_charm_tests setCharmRoots( ) psivaa/ temp/code- reviews/ charm-tests/ testing/ run_tests. py", line 356, in setCharmRoots flat_tests[ 0].id() .split( '.')[:3] )
File "./run-tests", line 32, in <module>
retval = run_tests.
File "/home/
File "/home/
File "/home/
s.charm_root = '/'.join(
IndexError: list index out of range
Marking the MP, needs fixing. Please feel free to ignore if i'm doing abs stupid :)