- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~cpe-sa/orange-box/experimental
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 528. By Nicolas Thomas
* usr/bin/
orange- box-setup- nat:
- Fix net.ipv4.conf.all. accept_ redirects
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- node
- Fix Add maas's ssh key into /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized _keys so that MAAS can control power via virsh
* etc/apt/orange- box-mirror. list, usr/bin/ orange- box-add- node,
usr/bin/orange- box-add- physical- nodes, usr/bin/ orange- box-add-
virtual-nodes, usr/bin/orange- box-amt- monitor, usr/bin/orange-box-
bootstrap-juju, usr/bin/orange- box-create- package- mirror,
usr/bin/orange- box-demo- cleanup, usr/bin/ orange- box-run,
usr/bin/orange- box-setup, usr/bin/ orange- box-status- all-nodes:
* Re-write pachtes based on PPA (orange-box_1.89- 0ubuntu1~ trusty. debian. tar.xz, orange- box_1.89. orig.tar. gz) rather than trunk codes
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* usr/bin/orange- box-add- virtual- nodes:
* : - 525. By Nicolas Thomas
* Creating a branch to start the new orangebox setup new stuff.
* debian/postinst => usr/bin/orange- box-setup, usr/bin/orange-box-
setup-nat: - 523. By Dustin Kirkland
* etc/apt/
orange- box-mirror. list, usr/bin/ orange- box-create- package-
- we're not currently using postmirror.sh, so set to /bin/true
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/orange-box