
Created by Nicolas Thomas and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~cpe-sa/orange-box/experimental
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Branch information

Orange Box

Recent revisions

530. By Nicolas Thomas

* Testing tomnico ppa
* :

529. By Nicolas Thomas


528. By Nicolas Thomas

* usr/bin/orange-box-setup-nat:
  - Fix net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects
* usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-node
  - Fix Add maas's ssh key into /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys so that MAAS can control power via virsh
* etc/apt/orange-box-mirror.list, usr/bin/orange-box-add-node,
  usr/bin/orange-box-add-physical-nodes, usr/bin/orange-box-add-
  virtual-nodes, usr/bin/orange-box-amt-monitor, usr/bin/orange-box-
  bootstrap-juju, usr/bin/orange-box-create-package-mirror,
  usr/bin/orange-box-demo-cleanup, usr/bin/orange-box-run,
  usr/bin/orange-box-setup, usr/bin/orange-box-status-all-nodes:
* Re-write pachtes based on PPA (orange-box_1.89-0ubuntu1~trusty.debian.tar.xz, orange-box_1.89.orig.tar.gz) rather than trunk codes
* usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-nodes:
* usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-nodes:
* usr/bin/orange-box-add-virtual-nodes:
* :

527. By Nicolas Thomas

* remove debian/postrm, debian/preinst remove:
* test the process
* :

526. By Nicolas Thomas

debian/postrm, debian/preinst remove:

525. By Nicolas Thomas

* Creating a branch to start the new orangebox setup new stuff.
* debian/postinst => usr/bin/orange-box-setup, usr/bin/orange-box-

524. By Darryl Weaver

Added workaround for bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1367482

523. By Dustin Kirkland 

* etc/apt/orange-box-mirror.list, usr/bin/orange-box-create-package-
  - we're not currently using postmirror.sh, so set to /bin/true

522. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.90

521. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.89

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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