I'm afraid there are more problems:
It looks like they work with the old regex but not the new one. That last one can give you some idea of what can be included inside a URL. It can end with a null path, a path, a query, or a fragment, if I read it correctly.
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I'm afraid there are more problems:
http:// search. yahoo.com/ search; _ylt=AvXXhceCUC kHJATKAo8456Kbv Zx4?p=cruize+ ship&toggle= 1&cop=mss& ei=UTF- 8&fr=yfp- t-701
http:// www.google. com/#hl= en&output= search& sclient= psy-ab& q=lernid+ bugs&oq= lernid+ bugs&aq= f&aqi=g- v1&aql= &gs_nf= 1&gs_l= hp.3..0i15. 1850.2928. 0.3068. 11.6.0. 795.0j6. 8.0.q1p3PVwAYAY &pbx=1& bav=on. 2,or.r_ gc.r_pw. r_qf.,cf. osb&fp= e43488623ef7899 d&biw=1287& bih=795
https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/lernid? field.searchtex t=url+punctuati on&search= Search& field.status% 3Alist= NEW&field. status% 3Alist= INCOMPLETE_ WITH_RESPONSE& field.status% 3Alist= INCOMPLETE_ WITHOUT_ RESPONSE& field.status% 3Alist= CONFIRMED& field.status% 3Alist= TRIAGED& field.status% 3Alist= INPROGRESS& field.status% 3Alist= FIXCOMMITTED& field.assignee= &field. bug_reporter= &field. omit_dupes= on&field. has_patch= &field. has_no_ package=
http:// tools.ietf. org/html/ rfc3986# section- 3.1
It looks like they work with the old regex but not the new one. That last one can give you some idea of what can be included inside a URL. It can end with a null path, a path, a query, or a fragment, if I read it correctly.