Attempt to merge into lp:qa-dashboard failed due to conflicts:
path conflict in <deleted>
path conflict in NOTES
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/arch_overview.html
text conflict in bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/image_chart.html
text conflict in bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/machine_data.html
text conflict in bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/machine_raw_data.html
text conflict in common/management/commands/
duplicate in common/migrations.moved
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/static/css/style.css
text conflict in common/templates/404.html
text conflict in common/templates/500.html
text conflict in common/templates/api_help.html
text conflict in common/templates/layout.html
text conflict in common/
deleting parent in dashboard
unversioned parent in dashboard
deleting parent in dashboard/migrations
unversioned parent in dashboard/migrations
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
contents conflict in dashboard/migrations/
text conflict in qa_dashboard/
text conflict in qa_dashboard/
duplicate in smoke.moved
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/management
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/templates
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
text conflict in smoke/
text conflict in smoke/management/commands/
text conflict in smoke/
text conflict in smoke/templates/smoke/result_logs.html
duplicate in sru.moved
path conflict in sru.moved/management/commands/
path conflict in sru.moved/templates/sru
path conflict in sru.moved/
text conflict in sru/management/commands/
Attempt to merge into lp:qa-dashboard failed due to conflicts:
path conflict in <deleted> templates/ bootspeed/ arch_overview. html templates/ bootspeed/ image_chart. html templates/ bootspeed/ machine_ data.html templates/ bootspeed/ machine_ raw_data. html management/ commands/ clear_items. py migrations. moved static/ css/style. css templates/ 404.html templates/ 500.html templates/ api_help. html templates/ layout. html migrations migrations migrations/ 0001_initial. py migrations/ 0002_auto_ _add_field_ run_internal_ _add_field_ bug_internal_ _add_field_ build_. py migrations/ 0003_auto_ _add_field_ run_publish_ _add_field_ bug_publish_ _add_field_ build_pu. py migrations/ 0004_auto_ _add_kernel_ _add_sruresult_ _add_sruresultl migrations/ 0005_auto_ _add_field_ kernel_ job_type. py migrations/ 0006_auto_ _add_field_ sruresult_ kernel_ version. py migrations/ 0007_auto_ _add_field_ kernel_ version_ _del_field_ sruresult_ kernel_ version. py migrations/ 0008_auto_ _add_imageresul t__add_ machine_ _add_image. py migrations/ 0009_auto_ _add_unique_ machine_ name__add_ unique_ image_release_ arch_variant_ migrations/ 0010_auto_ _add_unique_ image_md5. py migrations/ 0011_removing_ bootspeed. py migrations/ __init_ settings. py __init_ management models. py templates utah_parser. py utah_utils. py t/commands/ jenkins_ /smoke/ result_ logs.html management/ commands/ jenkins_ pull_sru. py templates/ sru commands/ jenkins_ pull_sru. py
path conflict in NOTES
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in bootspeed/
text conflict in common/
duplicate in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
text conflict in common/
deleting parent in dashboard
unversioned parent in dashboard
deleting parent in dashboard/
unversioned parent in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
contents conflict in dashboard/
text conflict in qa_dashboard/
text conflict in qa_dashboard/
duplicate in smoke.moved
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
path conflict in smoke.moved/
text conflict in smoke/
text conflict in smoke/managemen
text conflict in smoke/
text conflict in smoke/templates
duplicate in sru.moved
path conflict in sru.moved/
path conflict in sru.moved/
path conflict in sru.moved/
text conflict in sru/management/