Merge lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/eventstat-urls into lp://staging/qa-dashboard

Proposed by Chris Johnston
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/eventstat-urls
Merge into: lp://staging/qa-dashboard
Prerequisite: lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/1182024-eventstat-404
Diff against target: 288 lines (+169/-38)
5 files modified
eventstat/templates/power/eventstat/arch_overview.html (+2/-2)
eventstat/ (+162/-26)
eventstat/ (+0/-5)
eventstat/ (+3/-3)
eventstat/ (+2/-2)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/eventstat-urls
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Joe Talbott Approve
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2013-05-20.

This proposal has been superseded by a proposal from 2013-05-21.

Commit message

Renames eventstat urls to follow <app_name>_<view_name> and add url tests.

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Revision history for this message
Andy Doan (doanac) wrote :


Revision history for this message
Joe Talbott (joetalbott) wrote :


review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Chris Johnston (cjohnston) wrote :
414. By Chris Johnston <email address hidden>

[r=Joe Talbott, Andy Doan] Switch to mocking a url for testing get_file_contents() from Chris Johnston

415. By Chris Johnston <email address hidden>


416. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan, Chris Johnston] Eventstat - Reduce number of queries for pages.

Avoid @properties with query sideeffects and foreign key attribute access in django-tables.

* also fixes sorting on eventstat tables. from Joe Talbott

417. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] Fix django-tables2 sorting for calculated fields. from Joe Talbott

418. By Chris Johnston <email address hidden>


419. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] * Better log when jenkins_get() fails to retrieve a response.
* Don't ask jenkins for media_info artifact if one doesn't exist.
  - reduces jenkins accesses considerably. from Joe Talbott

420. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] SRU - Fix for missing actions. from Joe Talbott

421. By Chris Johnston <email address hidden>


422. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] Fix key error on 'jenkins_build' for dash_ignore'ed builds.

* This MP is to fix the error reported to qa-dashboard-notify@ for smokeng builds. from Joe Talbott

423. By Chris Johnston


424. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] Loosen bug number regex for build description.

Submitted-By: Paul Larson <email address hidden>

* allow ':', '#', and whitespace to separate 'LP' and bug number.
* 'lp' is case insensitive.
* only split the build description on ','.
* add some tests. from Joe Talbott

425. By Chris Johnston

[r=Andy Doan] Disable the idle power j_p until tests are working again from Chris Johnston

426. By Chris Johnston

[r=Andy Doan] Fixes spacing issues in main-nav <li> from Chris Johnston

427. By Chris Johnston

[r=Andy Doan] Adds stacked charts to memory detail page per request. from Chris Johnston

428. By Joe Talbott

[r=Andy Doan] Add basic plugin arch support.

* smokeng is a bare-bones usage example. from Joe Talbott

429. By Chris Johnston

eventstat work

430. By Chris Johnston

Fixes test

Unmerged revisions

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