ALTER TABLE BugTrackerComponentGroup
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercomponentgroup__bug_tracker__name__key
UNIQUE (bug_tracker, name);
The bugtrackercomponentgroup__bugtracker__idx index is incorrect (you reference the wrong table). I suspect you wanted the index on BugTrackerComponentGroup(bugtracker), which is now unnecessary with the above constraint, so just drop it.
On BugTrackerComponent:
- you are declaring the source_package foreign key twice. Either remove the REFERENCES clause in the column definition, or the CONSTRAINT clause after the column definitions.
- The boolean columns are missing NOT NULL constraints.
- Missing constraint on (component_group, name).
ALTER TABLE BugTrackerComponent
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercomponent__component_group__name__key
UNIQUE (component_group, name);
- The bugtrackercomponent__componentgroup__idx index becomes unnecessary
with the above constraint.
- I'm not sure if source_package should be UNIQUE. I suspect it is.
ALTER TABLE BugTrackerComponent
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercomponent__source_package__key
UNIQUE (source_package);
- If the above UNIQUE constraint on source_package is added, the
bugtrackercomponent__distributionsourcepackage__idx index is
unnecessary. It has the wrong name anyway
Allocated DB patch is patch-2208-09-0.sql
Missing constraint on BugTrackerCompo nentGroup:
ALTER TABLE BugTrackerCompo nentGroup nentgroup_ _bug_tracker_ _name__ key
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercompo
UNIQUE (bug_tracker, name);
The bugtrackercompo nentgroup_ _bugtracker_ _idx index is incorrect (you reference the wrong table). I suspect you wanted the index on BugTrackerCompo nentGroup( bugtracker) , which is now unnecessary with the above constraint, so just drop it.
On BugTrackerCompo nent:
- you are declaring the source_package foreign key twice. Either remove the REFERENCES clause in the column definition, or the CONSTRAINT clause after the column definitions.
- The boolean columns are missing NOT NULL constraints.
- Missing constraint on (component_group, name).
ALTER TABLE BugTrackerComponent nent__component _group_ _name__ key
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercompo
UNIQUE (component_group, name);
- The bugtrackercompo nent__component group__ idx index becomes unnecessary
with the above constraint.
- I'm not sure if source_package should be UNIQUE. I suspect it is.
ALTER TABLE BugTrackerComponent nent__source_ package_ _key
ADD CONSTRAINT bugtrackercompo
UNIQUE (source_package);
- If the above UNIQUE constraint on source_package is added, the rcomponent_ _distributionso urcepackage_ _idx index is bugtrackercompo nent__source_ package_ _idx).
unnecessary. It has the wrong name anyway