The naming is fine. This prefix is the triplet so 'TOOLCHAIN_TRIPLET' might be better. Many tools like the kernel use CROSS_COMPILE instead.
We omit the vendor if it is 'none' so instead of the more common/canonical arm-none-linux-gnueabi we use arm-linux-gnueabi. Same for arm-none-eabi where 'none' means no OS.
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The naming is fine. This prefix is the triplet so 'TOOLCHAIN_TRIPLET' might be better. Many tools like the kernel use CROSS_COMPILE instead.
See: www.gnu. org/s/hello/ manual/ autoconf/ Specifying- Target- Triplets. html#Specifying %20Names
We omit the vendor if it is 'none' so instead of the more common/canonical arm-none- linux-gnueabi we use arm-linux-gnueabi. Same for arm-none-eabi where 'none' means no OS.