=== modified file 'src/platforms/mirserver/screensmodel.h'
+ namespace graphics {
+ namespace detail { struct GraphicsConfCardIdTag; struct GraphicsConfOutputIdTag; }
+ typedef IntWrapper <detail::GraphicsConfCardIdTag> DisplayConfigurationCardId;
+ typedef IntWrapper <detail::GraphicsConfOutputIdTag> DisplayConfigurationOutputId;
+ class Display;
+ class DisplayConfigurationOutput;
+ }
I'm not keen on duplicating Mir code like this, looks very fragile. Is this temporary? I do intend to update the poorly named ScreensModel to use miral::ActiveDisplayObserver stuff.
Rest is good, glad to see we're going in the same direction.
May I propose this patch to neaten up the CMakeLists.txt file considerably: pastebin. ubuntu. com/24312831/
=== modified file 'src/platforms/ mirserver/ screensmodel. h' dIdTag; struct GraphicsConfOut putIdTag; } :GraphicsConfCa rdIdTag> DisplayConfigur ationCardId; :GraphicsConfOu tputIdTag> DisplayConfigur ationOutputId; ationOutput; ActiveDisplayOb server stuff.
+ namespace graphics {
+ namespace detail { struct GraphicsConfCar
+ typedef IntWrapper <detail:
+ typedef IntWrapper <detail:
+ class Display;
+ class DisplayConfigur
+ }
I'm not keen on duplicating Mir code like this, looks very fragile. Is this temporary? I do intend to update the poorly named ScreensModel to use miral::
Rest is good, glad to see we're going in the same direction.