I think there's a problem with how the getters are implemented. Let's take getScreenOrientation() for example: when the client calls this method, it will retrieve the application name which was setup, which is correct. If the application registers a callback with onScreenOrientationChanged(), then this._screenOrientation will always get updated propertly, so getScreenOrientation() will always return the proper value; however, if the application doesn't call onScreenOrientationChanged(), this._screenOrientation will never be updated and getScreenOrientation() will always return the old value.
I'm not sure how expensive the switch betwenn client and backend is, so depending on that:
1) If the switch is not very expensive: don't cache any values in the client, always request the properties directly from the backend.
2) If the switch is very expensive, do as you are doing, but register an internal callback to the cached properties in the Application constructor. Something like:
(In the latter case we might even want to avoid passing through the backend when the client calls onApplicationNameChanged(): we could make it store the function callback into an array (this._applicationNameListeners) and in the callback registered in the Application constructor we could then invoke all the callbacks in this._applicationNameListeners, after having updated "self._name = name")
Can you also make the getInputMethodName return the value immediately?
I think there's a problem with how the getters are implemented. Let's take getScreenOrient ation() for example: when the client calls this method, it will retrieve the application name which was setup, which is correct. If the application registers a callback with onScreenOrienta tionChanged( ), then this._screenOri entation will always get updated propertly, so getScreenOrient ation() will always return the proper value; however, if the application doesn't call onScreenOrienta tionChanged( ), this._screenOri entation will never be updated and getScreenOrient ation() will always return the old value.
I'm not sure how expensive the switch betwenn client and backend is, so depending on that:
1) If the switch is not very expensive: don't cache any values in the client, always request the properties directly from the backend.
2) If the switch is very expensive, do as you are doing, but register an internal callback to the cached properties in the Application constructor. Something like:
var self = this; _proxy. call('onApplica tionNameChanged ', [function(name) {self._name = name; }]);
this._name = content.name;
(In the latter case we might even want to avoid passing through the backend when the client calls onApplicationNa meChanged( ): we could make it store the function callback into an array (this._ applicationName Listeners) and in the callback registered in the Application constructor we could then invoke all the callbacks in this._applicati onNameListeners , after having updated "self._name = name")
Can you also make the getInputMethodName return the value immediately?
Other than that, it all looks good to me!