
Created by Zestoi and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~zestoi/mixxx/controller_scripts
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Recent revisions

3221. By Zestoi

fixed new context for incomingData() and used new lambda style calling of engine.connectControl()

3220. By Zestoi


3219. By Zestoi

removed javascript implementation of spinback/brake and renamed script.spinbackDefault to script.spinback and script.brakeDefault to script.brake

3218. By Zestoi

remove debug

3217. By Zestoi

use engine.brake() and engine.spinback() functions in launchpad/herc mk2 mappings and the thin wrapper in common-controller-scripts.js. add in missing led feedback for kills on mk2 mapping for channel2. fix for new engine feedback environment for launchpad mapping

3216. By Sean M. Pappalardo

- Added configurability of the curve for soft fade/fast cut as well (they are simply two ends of the same spectrum.)
- Added xFaderMode CO to reflect which mode we're in
Common controller scripts:
- Deprecated absoluteSlider
- Corrected absoluteLin and absoluteNonLin functions
- Added crossfaderCurve() common script to make use of the above changes

3215. By RJ Skerry-Ryan

Add caching to ControllerEngine::resolveFunction().

3214. By RJ Skerry-Ryan

Merging lp:~mixxxdevelopers/mixxx/features_direct_bind into lp:mixxx.

* Changed use of ControlObject to ControlObjectThread to prevent priority inversion with the engine.

3212. By RJ Skerry-Ryan

Merging from lp:~zestoi/mixxx/spinback_brake

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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