Merge lp://staging/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/35-options-panel-swipe into lp://staging/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/new_list_item

Proposed by Zsombor Egri
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/35-options-panel-swipe
Merge into: lp://staging/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/new_list_item
Prerequisite: lp://staging/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/30-options
Diff against target: 1076 lines (+669/-14)
16 files modified
modules/Ubuntu/Components/ListItemPanel.qml (+53/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/ (+4/-2)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/propertychange_p.cpp (+76/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/propertychange_p.h (+39/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/uclistitem.cpp (+235/-10)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/uclistitem.h (+3/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/uclistitem_p.h (+15/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/uclistitemoptions.cpp (+80/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/uclistitemoptions_p.h (+11/-2)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/qmldir (+1/-0)
tests/resources/listitems/ListItemTest.qml (+9/-0)
tests/unit/tst_performance/ListItemWithInlineOptionsList.qml (+39/-0)
tests/unit/tst_performance/ListItemWithOptionsList.qml (+6/-0)
tests/unit/tst_performance/tst_performance.cpp (+1/-0)
tests/unit/tst_performance/ (+1/-0)
tests/unit_x11/tst_components/tst_listitem.qml (+96/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/35-options-panel-swipe
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu SDK team Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

ListItemOptions swipe implementation. Uses an empty panel item of a fix size to test swiping.

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1251. By Zsombor Egri


1252. By Zsombor Egri

trailing panel color fix

1253. By Zsombor Egri

prereq merge

1254. By Zsombor Egri


1255. By Zsombor Egri

version fix

1256. By Zsombor Egri


1257. By Zsombor Egri


1258. By Zsombor Egri

comments applied, ListItemOptions.options list is no longer the default property

1259. By Zsombor Egri

defautl property data added.

1260. By Zsombor Egri

doc fix

1261. By Zsombor Egri

small API changes

1262. By Zsombor Egri

performance test fixed

1263. By Zsombor Egri

ListItemOptions turned to ListItemActions

1264. By Zsombor Egri


1265. By Zsombor Egri

prereq merge & build fixed

1266. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1267. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1268. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1269. By Zsombor Egri

code fixed due to panelItem removal

1270. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1271. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1272. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1273. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1274. By Zsombor Egri

rebound animation easing changed to elastic

1275. By Zsombor Egri

painting optimized, do not delete painter node every time the list item/divider is updated

1276. By Zsombor Egri

animation easing curve and duration fixed

1277. By Zsombor Egri

easing period and duration fixed

1278. By Zsombor Egri

rogue logs removed

1279. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1280. By Zsombor Egri

adding moving API

1281. By Zsombor Egri

movingStarted and movingEnded signals added, being in sync with Flickable's approach

1282. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1283. By Zsombor Egri

change step

1284. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1285. By Zsombor Egri

adjusting code to support ListItemActions attached properties

1286. By Zsombor Egri

adjusting new prerequisite

1287. By Zsombor Egri

small fixes

1288. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1289. By Zsombor Egri

adjustments to prerequisite changes; documentation fix

1290. By Zsombor Egri

accessing private property fix

1291. By Zsombor Egri

test cases fixed

1292. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1293. By Zsombor Egri

fixing eronous trailingActions assignment

1294. By Zsombor Egri

introduce styling; move ListItemPanel into Ambiance theme, expose ListItemStyle C++ style component from the main plugin

1295. By Zsombor Egri

animation cleanup

1296. By Zsombor Egri

make leadingPanel property readonly

1297. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1298. By Zsombor Egri

adjusting code to prereq changes

1299. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1300. By Zsombor Egri

staging in test fixing

1301. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1302. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1303. By Zsombor Egri

test fix

1304. By Zsombor Egri

fixing tests to comply with prereq changes

1305. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1306. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1307. By Zsombor Egri

method name fixed

1308. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1309. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1310. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1311. By Zsombor Egri

review comments applied

Unmerged revisions

1311. By Zsombor Egri

review comments applied

1310. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1309. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1308. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1307. By Zsombor Egri

method name fixed

1306. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1305. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

1304. By Zsombor Egri

fixing tests to comply with prereq changes

1303. By Zsombor Egri

test fix

1302. By Zsombor Egri

prereq sync

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