Developers who wish to use trunk MUST first read:
On instructions on how to use the trunk checkout.
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/zivios
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 530. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- Fixed keytab generation on target server
- NSS ldap fixed - 529. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- Replication Chaining support
- Schema fixes
- Ppolicy addition - 527. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- New users and groups now automatically carry OpenLdapService
- 525. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- Ppolicy error fixes
- Scripts to add ppolicy plugin to group and users - 523. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- Policy can be chosen and changed
- Expired Passwords are handled gracefully
- Forced password change on grace use passwords
- Self Service screen fixes - 522. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- PPolicy expired password detection and redirection
- PPolicy expired password change
- Engine gracefully handles reduced permissions for a expired password account
- Extreme optimizations to make sure Zivios Binds dont take an expiring password to its grave with many binds :)
- Userdashboard now shows Password status - 521. By Faraz Khan <email address hidden>
- Zivios now uses password Exop
- Transactions on failure report the last exception to the front end
- PPOlicy create and user dashboard/edit works
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)