
Created by Yu Ning and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~yuningdodo/usb-creator/usb-creator.lp1325801v3-use-source-syslinux
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Yu Ning

Recent revisions

462. By Yu Ning

Mount the squashfs from the usbstick instead of the CDROM/ISO, so we don't need to break the API compability.

461. By Yu Ning

Find and use the syslinux from the source squashfs. (LP: #1325801)

460. By Brian Murray

releasing package usb-creator version 0.2.64

459. By Brian Murray

udisks/backend.py: exit if we can't determine the mount of the cd that was
added. (LP: #1411879)

458. By Brian Murray

releasing package usb-creator version 0.2.63

457. By Brian Murray

udisks/backend.py: fix some calls to mount_sync that were missed in the
port to the UDisks2 API. Thanks to Marc Culler for the patch.
(LP: #1279987)

456. By Brian Murray

releasing package usb-creator version 0.2.62

455. By Brian Murray

Re-create the udisks client otherwise it will not return the newly
created device or partition. (LP: #1361474, #1300361)

454. By Martin Pitt

releasing package usb-creator version 0.2.61

453. By Martin Pitt

Revert "Ignore errors from synchronisations after wipefs calls". This
udisks hack doesn't work (it now silently fails to format the device,
instead of showing the error message), and won't stay in udisks.
(See LP #1059872)

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