
Created by Yu Ning and last modified
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Yu Ning

Recent revisions

101. By Yu Ning

* SECURITY UPDATE: privilege escalation via missing polkit check
  (LP: #1447396)
  - bin/usb-creator-helper, dbus/com.ubuntu.usbcreator.policy.in: add
    proper polkit integration for KVM use.
  - CVE number pending

100. By Yu Ning

* Update the iso9660 patch for error checking.

99. By Yu Ning

: debian/patches/check-for-iso9660.patch
HELPER: check for iso9660 drive to correctly erase a usbstick dd'ed with
an isohybrid ISO image. (LP: #1424915)

98. By Yu Ning

: debian/patches/update-free-space-after-format.patch
UDISKS: try to mount and update free space after format. (LP: #1413494)

auto-mount-after-format.patch is retired with this new patch.

97. By Yu Ning

: debian/patches/sync-syslinux-c32-files.patch
usbcreator/install.py: install host syslinux c32 files to target otherwise
they may not be correctly loaded by the mbr, since the mbr is also
installed with the host version, we must keep them in sync. (LP: #1325801)

96. By Yu Ning

: debian/patches/auto-mount-after-format.patch
HELPER: auto mount the formated partition. (LP: #1413494)

95. By Yu Ning

: debian/patches/use-source-syslinux.patch
HELPER: new argument 'sourcefs' for dbus method InstallBootloader(),
with this argument we could attempt to install with the syslinux
included in the source ISO/CDROM. (LP: #1325801)

94. By Yu Ning

* add two patches for (LP: #1325801) but both disabled, to be refined.

93. By Yu Ning

Retire 01_recreate-udisks-client.patch which was accepted in upstream.

92. By Yu Ning

Merge with trusty-updates,
[ Brian Murray ]
* udisks/backend.py: fix some calls to mount_sync that were missed in the
  port to the UDisks2 API. Thanks to Marc Culler for the patch.
  (LP: #1279987)
[ Yu Ning ]
* usb-creator-helper: use parent object only if there is a parent.
  (LP: #1380041)
* usb-creator-helper: re-create the udisks client otherwise it will not
  return the newly created device or partition. (LP: #1361474, #1300361)
* usb-creator-helper: use parted instead of udisks2 to create the new
  partition table since udisks2 uses wipefs to erase the old partition
  table, however partition table erasing is not supported in wipefs yet in
  trusty, and that would cause a timed out error.

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