
Created by Yolanda Robla and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~yolanda.robla/ubuntu/saucy/exim4/dep-8-tests
Only Yolanda Robla can upload to this branch. If you are Yolanda Robla please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Yolanda Robla

Recent revisions

48. By Yolanda Robla

fixing wrong comment

47. By Yolanda Robla

d/tests: added dep-8-tests

46. By Robie Basak

* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #1166383). Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Don't declare a Provides: default-mta; in Ubuntu,
    we want postfix to be the default.

45. By oussama

* Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Don't declare a Provides: default-mta; in Ubuntu,
    we want postfix to be the default.

44. By Marc Deslauriers

* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary code execution via dns decode logic
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-5671.patch: adjust max length and validate
    against it in src/pdkim/pdkim.h, src/dkim.c.
  - CVE-2012-5671

43. By Clint Byrum

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Don't declare a Provides: default-mta; in Ubuntu,
    we want postfix to be the default.

42. By Clint Byrum

Rebuild for libmysqlclient transition

41. By Colin Watson

Rebuild for Perl 5.14.

40. By Stéphane Graber

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Don't declare a Provides: default-mta; in Ubuntu,
    we want postfix to be the default.

39. By Stéphane Graber

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Don't declare a Provides: default-mta; in Ubuntu,
    we want postfix to be the default.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
