
Created by Yolanda Robla and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~yolanda.robla/ceilometer/grizzly
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Branch information

Yolanda Robla

Recent revisions

24. By Yolanda Robla

added patch for configuring sqlite

23. By Yolanda Robla

d/patches/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: default db to sqlite

22. By Yolanda Robla

* d/ceilometer-common.postinst: Configure sqlite connection by default.
* d/control: modified mongodb recommends to suggests (LP: #1131627).

21. By James Page

* debian/*.upstart: Update and use start-stop-daemon.
* d/rules: Fixup test suite execution as much as possible:
  - Set PYTHONPATH to CURDIR during execution.
  - Provide HOME directory for keystone tests.
  - Override clean to tidy up after execution.
* d/control: Tidied BD's:
  - Drop python-ming (not the right ming).
  - python-oslo-config -> python-oslo.config.
  - Dropped misc other surplus/duplicate dependencies.
  - Wrapped and sorted.
* d/p/request-dep.patch: Remove upper bound on python-requests inline with
  the rest of OpenStack.
* d/p/remove-hbase-support.patch: Remove happybase dependency.
* d/control: Bumped Standards-Version, no changes.
* d/rules: Copy ceilometer.conf.sample to ceilometer.conf.
* d/ceilometer-common.install: Install ceilometer.conf and ceilometer-dbsync.
* d/ceilometer-common.postinst: Configure mongo connection by default,
  fixing user/group creation.
* d/*.upstart: Fix upstart jobs.
* d/pydist-overrides: Correct pymongo and wsme package names.
* d/control: moved mongodb recommends to api and collector
  packages (LP: #1131627).
* d/files: copying pipeline.yaml.
* d/control: fixed typo (LP: #1140309).

20. By Yolanda Robla

debian/patches/exclude-tests-when-installing.patch: removed, not needed

19. By Yolanda Robla

  Yolanda Robla 2013-03-04 d/control: fixed typo (LP: #1140309)
    Yolanda Robla 2013-03-04 consolidating changelog
    Yolanda Robla 2013-03-04 [ Yolanda Robla ]
    Yolanda Robla 2013-03-04 d/files: copying pipeline.yaml

18. By Chuck Short

debian/patches/exclude-tests-when-isntall.patch: Exclude tests so it
doesnt conflict with python-boto (LP: #1102110)

17. By James Page

Added watch file.

16. By Yolanda Robla

[ Yolanda Robla ]
* d/control: moved mongo recommends to api and collector
  packages (LP: #1131627)
* d/control: refreshed dependencies

15. By Yolanda Robla

d/control: updated dependencies

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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