
Created by Yann Papouin and last modified
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Yann Papouin

Recent revisions

9885. By Yann Papouin

Return a product must drop backorder data

9884. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

9883. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

9882. By Juan Rial (OpenERP)

[FIX] [MERGE] [SALE] Filter invoice and ship address on sales order to contacts of the selected customer (#592166)

9881. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] mrp_repair: add missing invalidation functions for stored field amount_total, courtesy of Alexandre Fayolle (camptocamp)

9880. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] base_calendar: when computing the reccurency of an event, skip if no recurrency period is set (opw 598737)

Fix the calendar view so that the recurrency period is editable when checking the 'recurrency' checkbox

9879. By Juan Rial (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] Demo data had wrong end date for yearly membership (#602129)

9878. By Juan Rial (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] Skip Draft on Journals didn't take effect (#603952)

Fix: call the validate method to advance the entries to posted state

9877. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] write a value to date_closed when mark an opportunity as won or lost.

This is required to compute correct value for the day_close function field

9876. By Juan Rial (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] division by zero in product margins with 0 sale price and 0 qty (#591893)

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