
Created by Aurélien Gâteau and last modified
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The Watuppa team.
Session Menu

Recent revisions

119. By Aurélien Gâteau

Merged with 0.2.10-0ubuntu2.

118. By Olivier Tilloy

indicator-session (0.2.10-0ubuntu2watuppa1) maverick; urgency=low

  * debian/control:
    - Added missing dependency on xfce4-session (for xfce4-session-logout)
    - Added missing dependency on xfce4-utils (for xflock4)
  * debian/patches/use-xfce4-session-logout.patch: updated to use the "--fast"
    switch (LP: #640636)

 -- Olivier Tilloy <email address hidden> Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:50:56 +0200

117. By Olivier Tilloy

Pass the "--fast" switch to xfce4-session-logout in order not to save the current session.

116. By Olivier Tilloy

Added missing dependencies on xfce4-session (for xfce4-session-logout) and xfce4-utils (for xflock4)
introduced by our patches.

115. By Aurélien Gâteau

debian/patches/use-xflock4-to-lock.patch: Use xflock4 to implement the
lock action.

114. By Aurélien Gâteau

Fix version number

113. By Aurélien Gâteau

debian/patches/use-xfce4-session-logout.patch: Use xfce4-session-logout to
implement the logout action.

112. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 0.2.10-0ubuntu1

111. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 0.2.9-0ubuntu1

110. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream release:
  - Change "Restart Required..." to "Restart To Complete Update..."
    (lp: #586928)
  - Ellipsized strings.

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