Merge lp://staging/~waigani/juju-core/user-detail into lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk
Proposed by
Jesse Meek
Status: | Work in progress |
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~waigani/juju-core/user-detail |
Merge into: | lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk |
Diff against target: |
229 lines (+176/-0) 6 files modified
cmd/juju/user_detail.go (+66/-0) cmd/juju/user_detail_test.go (+48/-0) state/api/client.go (+6/-0) state/api/params/internal.go (+6/-0) state/api/usermanager/client.go (+9/-0) state/apiserver/client/client.go (+41/-0) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~waigani/juju-core/user-detail |
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Juju Engineering | Pending | ||
Review via email: |
Description of the change
cmd/juju: user detail
Add a new subcommand to `juju user` which
prints out the details of the current
Add a function on the apiserver,
CurrentUserInfo. Add a function on the api
client which calls the server side function
print out the result via the cmd.Output
formatter, allowing json and yaml outputs.
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Unmerged revisions
- 2803. By Jesse Meek
stitch up server/client api, add business logic
- 2802. By Jesse Meek
wire up 'detail' subcommand, print 'hello world'
Reviewers: mp+221314_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
cmd/juju: user detail
Add a new subcommand to `juju user` which
prints out the details of the current
Add a function on the apiserver,
CurrentUserInfo. Add a function on the api
client which calls the server side function
print out the result via the cmd.Output
formatter, allowing json and yaml outputs.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~waigani/ juju-core/ user-detail/ +merge/ 221314
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/98700043/
Affected files (+178, -0 lines): user_detail. go user_detail_ test.go params/ internal. go usermanager/ client. go /client/ client. go
A [revision details]
A cmd/juju/
A cmd/juju/
M state/api/client.go
M state/api/
M state/api/
M state/apiserver