Merge ~vpa1977/ubuntu/+source/gmp:LP1998551 into ubuntu/+source/gmp:debian/sid

Proposed by Vladimir Petko
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: git-ubuntu bot
Merged at revision: fe6a0318de5096e570c6ea88327ac0e79dd8bb50
Proposed branch: ~vpa1977/ubuntu/+source/gmp:LP1998551
Merge into: ubuntu/+source/gmp:debian/sid
Diff against target: 5065 lines (+4934/-1)
16 files modified
debian/changelog (+51/-0)
debian/control (+2/-1)
debian/patches/0001-Add-.gitignore.patch (+36/-0)
debian/patches/0002-x86-Add-GMP_ASM_X86_CET_MACROS-to-acinclude.m4.patch (+148/-0)
debian/patches/0003-x86-defs.m4-Use-X86_GNU_PROPERTY-and-X86_ENDBR.patch (+41/-0)
debian/patches/0004-x86-Append-missing-ASM_END-to-asm-files.patch (+1026/-0)
debian/patches/0005-x86_64-defs.m4-Use-X86_GNU_PROPERTY-and-X86_ENDBR.patch (+34/-0)
debian/patches/0006-x86_64-Append-ASM_END-to-assembly-codes.patch (+1620/-0)
debian/patches/0007-x86_64-coreibwl-mullo_basecase.asm-Add-X86_ENDBR.patch (+170/-0)
debian/patches/0008-x86_64-k10-popcount.asm-Prepend-X86_NOTRACK-to-jmp-r.patch (+41/-0)
debian/patches/0009-mpn-x86_64-Add-X86_ENDBR-to-indirect-branch-targets.patch (+1382/-0)
debian/patches/0010-x86-aors_n.asm-Add-X86_ENDBR-to-indirect-jump-target.patch (+130/-0)
debian/patches/0011-x86-p6-Prepend-X86_NOTRACK-to-jmp-reg.patch (+90/-0)
debian/patches/0012-x86-k6-Prepend-X86_NOTRACK-to-jmp-reg.patch (+60/-0)
debian/patches/0013-x86-k7-Prepend-X86_NOTRACK-to-indirect-branches.patch (+90/-0)
debian/patches/series (+13/-0)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Canonical Server packageset reviewers Pending
Canonical Server Reporter Pending
git-ubuntu import Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Merge of 2:6.2.1+dfsg1-1.1 from debian/unstable into lunar.

PPA ppa:vpa1977/gmp

Basic test:

$cat <<EOT > test.c

#include <gmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main(){

  char inputStr[1024];
     mpz_t is the type defined for GMP integers.
     It is a pointer to the internals of the GMP integer data structure
  mpz_t n;
  int flag;

  printf ("Enter your number: ");
  scanf("%1023s" , inputStr); /* NOTE: never every write a call scanf ("%s", inputStr);
                                  You are leaving a security hole in your code. */

  /* 1. Initialize the number */

  /* 2. Parse the input string as a base 10 number */
  flag = mpz_set_str(n,inputStr, 10);
  assert (flag == 0); /* If flag is not 0 then the operation failed */

  /* Print n */
  printf ("n = ");
  printf ("\n");

  /* 3. Add one to the number */

  mpz_add_ui(n,n,1); /* n = n + 1 */

  /* 4. Print the result */

  printf (" n +1 = ");
  printf ("\n");

  /* 5. Square n+1 */

  mpz_mul(n,n,n); /* n = n * n */

  printf (" (n +1)^2 = ");
  printf ("\n");

  /* 6. Clean up the mpz_t handles or else we will leak memory */


$gcc -lgmp test.c
$$ ./a.out
Enter your number: 2
n = 2
 n +1 = 3
 (n +1)^2 = 9

Package tests: should pass
$ autopkgtest -o test.log gmp-gu/ -- qemu ~/.auto-img/autopkgtest-lunar-amd64.img
$cat test.log/summary PASS PASS PASS PASS

Regression tests: none in

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