
Created by Akshay Shekher and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~voldyman/synopsis/rem-build-dir
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Branch information

Akshay Shekher

Recent revisions

8. By Akshay Shekher

removed build dir from repo

7. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Dragging in a file now adds an icon to the view. It uses the system set of icons with nice names. The icons will later actually represent what you're dragging in. I've also created a new class called imageFile which can be used a neat little objects for linking the icons that you see to the file that you're actually going to compress.

6. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Making sure that everything still compiles! We're good.

5. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Cleaned up stuff, added proper data directory for app.

4. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Added instructions for compilation.

3. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Added TODO file.

2. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Clears the app after dragging in files to set up the next UI element.

1. By Mark Raymond Jr. <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

Finally got all this uploaded. You can compile it, but you won't like it. :D

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
