
Created by Vlad Lesin and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~vlad-lesin/percona-server/5.5-bug-1038940-table_cache_speed_up
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Recent revisions

451. By Vlad Lesin

As the number of open tables is increased, table lookup
(testing if a table is already open) and (in particular)
the case when a table is not open, became increasingly more

The problem was caused by the open table lookup mechanism,
which was based on traversing a linked list comparing the
file names.

As the list was replaced by a hash table, the lookup
time dropped significantly when used on systems with
a large number of open tables.

The original patch can be found here:

450. By <email address hidden>

Merge lp:~laurynas-biveinis/percona-server/bug1117067-5.5

449. By <email address hidden>

Merge lp:~akopytov/percona-server/bug1125259

448. By <email address hidden>

Merge lp:~laurynas-biveinis/percona-server/bug1089265-5.5

447. By <email address hidden>

Merge lp:~gl-az/percona-server/BT-26980-5.5-bug1068210

446. By Alexey Kopytov

Bug #1126077: Remove clang warnings

Fixed an annoying warning in the InnoDB code produced by clang.

This is a backport from 5.6.

445. By <email address hidden>

Merge lp:~sergei.glushchenko/percona-server/55-tp

444. By <email address hidden>

Empty merge from Percona Server 5.1

443. By <email address hidden>

Empty merge from Percona Server 5.1

442. By <email address hidden>

Empty merge from Percona Server 5.1

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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