
Created by Vish Ishaya and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~vishvananda/nova/fix-swap-manage-ms
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Branch information

Vish Ishaya
OpenStack Compute (nova)

Recent revisions

1191. By Vish Ishaya

show swap in Mb in nova manage

1190. By Isaku Yamahata

backport of lp:~yamahata/nova/lp851218 which was approved which fixes

1189. By Trey Morris

removes warning set forth in d3 for deprecated setting of bridge automagically

1188. By Tushar Patil

backport of arping for floating ips.

1187. By Vish Ishaya

Reworked the export command to be
nova-manage shell export --filename=somefile

This will output the somefile file in to the keystone-manage syntax that will then be used by a shellscript that is being proposed to keystone.

1186. By Vish Ishaya

Fixed --uuid network command in nova-manage to desc to "uuid" instead of "net_uuid"

1185. By Soren Hansen

Fix a bug that would make spawning new instances fail if no port/protocol is given (for rules granting access for other security groups).

1184. By Vish Ishaya

Fix the issue with the new dnsmasq where it tries and fails to bind to ipv6 addresses.

1183. By Scott Moser

create disk.local the same way ephemerals are created (LP: #851145)

If the user did not specify '--block-device-mapping /dev/vdb=ephemeral0', then
then the first non-root device would end up being created differently then
if they had. It would not have a filesystem on it.

This makes 'local_gb' in the libvirt connection created the same way that
it would be if it were named ephemeral0.

1182. By Édouard Thuleau

Fixes the handling of snapshotting in libvirt driver to actually use the proper image type instead of using raw for everything. Also cleans up an unneeded flag. Based on doude's initial work.

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