- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~vila/uci-engine/doc-msging
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 922. By Vincent Ladeuil
Reproduce the part of https:/
/docs.google. com/a/canonical .com/presentati on/d/1cEkr7xHPR upbbq8qoocFblaK 8t2-pR45j6Q5bnf zM2Y/edit# slide=id. g3ef3e91c0_ 20 that deals with the test runner queues to investigate graphviz use. - 921. By Vincent Ladeuil
Activate the graphviz sphinx extension so we can embed digraphs in the documentation.
- 920. By Celso Providelo
Re-enable TR tests depending on nova-compute feature, adding "autopkgtest" testing feature, but still not using no_skip testing behaviour. [r=Ursula Junque, Vincent Ladeuil]
- 919. By Celso Providelo
Fixing webui ticket list rendering JS failures when presenting native (non-citrain) tickets. [r=Ursula Junque]
- 918. By Joe Talbott <email address hidden>
amqp_worker - Treat DataStoreExceptions as infrastructure failures. [r=Paul Larson, Francis Ginther, Vincent Ladeuil, Larry E Works]
- 917. By Vincent Ladeuil
Fix fallout from an old refactoring moving the config part out of britney/
post_request. py. [r=Paul Larson] - 916. By Vincent Ladeuil
Turn nova exceptions into TestBedException to identify infra failures [r=Parameswaran Sivatharman]
- 915. By Joe Talbott <email address hidden>
Add "Ready to assign" checkbox to ticket create form.
* Sets current_
workflow_ step to 'Queued' when checked (upon form submission) [r=Celso Providelo, Parameswaran Sivatharman]
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/uci-engine