Publishing details


libidn (1.38-4build1~ubuntu20.04.1~ppa1) focal; urgency=medium

  * No-change backport to focal

libidn (1.38-4build1) jammy; urgency=high

  * No change rebuild for ppc64el baseline bump.

libidn (1.38-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [be4e6bb] Use Standards-Version 4.6.0.

libidn (1.38-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Upload to unstable.

libidn (1.38-2) experimental; urgency=medium

  * [f8d4c77] Fix autopkgtest on hosts with non-UTF8 locale.
  * [6e1f37a] Use gbp dch id-length 7.

libidn (1.38-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.  Closes: #966408.
    - All our patches have been fixed upstream, removing 0001-0005.
  * Add d/source/options to extend-diff-ignore javadoc ZIP's.
  * Add file FAQ and remove file TODO from docs.
  * Don't ship libidn.pdf, we never rebuilt it from source,
    and upstream has stopped shipping it.
  * Drop libidn-java (<10 popcon, complicates build/packaging and cross).
  * libidn12 replaces libidn11.
  * libidn-dev replaces libidn11-dev, but left as transitional.
  * Update d/copyright for path changes.
  * Make source-contains-autogenerated-gperf-data override more specific.
  * Library is back in /usr/lib (was /lib).
  * Ignore intentional source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
    and very-long-line-length-in-source-file.
  * Drop emacs interface, no longer working with modern Emacs.
  * Move from -dev to idn package (referenced by idn.1).
  * Make idn autopkgtest test the core of the functionality a bit more.

  [ Ondřej Nový <email address hidden> ]
  * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces

  [ John Scott ]
  * d/copyright: Revise by consolidating files and license paragraphs.
  * Add good minimal upstream signing key.
  * d/watch: Upgrade to version 4 and use GNU's mirrors.

libidn (1.33-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Simon Josefsson ]
  * Acknowledge NMU upload, thank you!
  * Move packaging to Salsa, fix Vcs-Browser/Vcs-Git URLs.
  * Drop README.source.
  * Fix FTBFS with autoconf 2.70.  Closes: #978852.
  * Use https URL in copyright file.
  * Remove TAB from copyright file (lintian tab-in-license-text).
  * Update d/watch to use https and version 4.
  * Use DEB_VERSION instead of dpkg-parsechangelog.
  * Add upstream/metadata.
  * Update upstream/signing-key.asc.
  * Rules-Requires-Root: no
  * Add Build-Depends-Package to symbol files.
  * Update Standards-Version from 3.9.8 to 4.5.1.
  * Bump compat from 9 to 13.
    - Drop unneeded dh-autoreconf/autopoint build-depends.
    - Drop unneeded --parallel and --with autoreconf from rules.
    - Add d/not-installed.
  * Mark libidn11-java as Multi-Arch: foreign.
  * lintian-override cyclo-libidn.html.
  * Add autopkgtest using upstream self-checks for libidn.

  [ Ondřej Nový <email address hidden> ]
  * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces

libidn (1.33-2.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Upload to unstable.

libidn (1.33-2.3) experimental; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * debian/patches/0005-Fix-link-failure.patch: added to fix build
    failure with gnulibs's upstream patch. Thanks to Gianfranco Costamagna
    <email address hidden>. (Closes: #925746)

 -- Gianfranco Costamagna <email address hidden>  Mon, 04 Apr 2022 19:30:00 +0200

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files