Merge lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/initial-log-forwarding-tests into lp://staging/juju-ci-tools

Proposed by Christopher Lee
Status: Approved
Approved by: Martin Packman
Approved revision: 1510
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/initial-log-forwarding-tests
Merge into: lp://staging/juju-ci-tools
Diff against target: 707 lines (+661/-0)
7 files modified (+282/-0) (+139/-0) (+7/-0) (+55/-0)
tests/ (+96/-0)
tests/ (+29/-0)
tests/ (+53/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/initial-log-forwarding-tests
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Martin Packman (community) Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Add initial test for log forwarding feature

Description of the change

Adds initial test for the log-forwarding feature.

Handles creation of certificates tied to the rsylog sync as required by the feature

Bootstraps 2 environments, one being the rsyslog sink for logs the other being the emitter of logs.

Has a basic check that exercises the feature, there is further tests to be added but this MP is getting large as it is.

I added a new file ''. I was tempted to create a python package but this isn't a small step and wanted to converse with the team if it was the direction we wanted to go.

I.e. I would propose something like this initially:

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1496. By Christopher Lee

Fix assertion messages.

1497. By Christopher Lee

Remove yet to be used methods.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

Have a bunch of random comments inline. Overall looks like a good approach, my main points of feedback:

* Assess scripts this complex can benefit from a bit more structure. A bunch of cooperating functions gets hard to follow around the 200 line mark. An encapsulating class for each environment seems reasonable.

* A bunch of the setup work is done by manual ssh steps on charms. Ideally, most of this complexity is encapsulated in the charm instead.

* I'd generally have more unit tests, but can see how a bunch of the current code is not amenable to it.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

This time with the comments...

Revision history for this message
Christopher Lee (veebers) wrote :

Responded to comments ans made some changes. Still have a couple of changes to make.

1498. By Christopher Lee

Grammar fix and import fix.

1499. By Christopher Lee

Better naming for boostrap managers.

1500. By Christopher Lee

Change certificate details to not be a getter function.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

Replied to some comments.

1501. By Christopher Lee

Merge trunk

1502. By Christopher Lee

Rename and reduce assess function

1503. By Christopher Lee

Using python script run on remote machine for logs check.

1504. By Christopher Lee

Add failling test for get_controller_uuid

1505. By Christopher Lee

Make test pass for added get_controller_uuid

1506. By Christopher Lee

Modify test to use get_controller_uuid

1507. By Christopher Lee

Cater for ipv6 addresses + port. Incl. tests.

1508. By Christopher Lee

Fix remote python script.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

Couple of notes from eyeballing this again, see inline comments.

Revision history for this message
Christopher Lee (veebers) wrote :

Made the suggested changes.

1509. By Christopher Lee

Put check logic into separate file with tests.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

Some comments on how to write the new code a little better.

1510. By Christopher Lee

Improved file existence checks and handling.

Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :

Thanks! Lets land it.

review: Approve

Unmerged revisions

1510. By Christopher Lee

Improved file existence checks and handling.

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