Merge lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/add-dumm-storage-charm into lp://staging/juju-ci-tools/repository

Proposed by Curtis Hovey
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 88
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/add-dumm-storage-charm
Merge into: lp://staging/juju-ci-tools/repository
Diff against target: 160 lines (+122/-0)
7 files modified
charms/dummy-storage/config.yaml (+10/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/hooks/config-changed (+59/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/hooks/install (+13/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/hooks/multi-fs-storage-attached (+7/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/hooks/single-fs-storage-attached (+5/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/hooks/start (+5/-0)
charms/dummy-storage/metadata.yaml (+23/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~veebers/juju-ci-tools/add-dumm-storage-charm
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Curtis Hovey (community) code Approve
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2017-03-14.

Commit message

Dummy charm that allows storing a token value to storage.

Description of the change

Dummy charm that allows storing a token value to storage.

This is an attempt at making a charm that we can use to test persistent storage.
It will be used to make sure that data persists when detached (either directly or through application removal) and re-attached to an application.

  - deploy and set token for the single filesystem.
  - check token value in the file stored on disk
  - remove application
  - deploy again, this time using the existing storage unit
  - check token values etc.

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Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

I have a question in line and a few suggestions

review: Needs Information (code)
78. By Christopher Lee

Remove missleading 'blocked' term from status.

79. By Christopher Lee

Remove and shuffle series.

80. By Christopher Lee

Remove revision file.

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

Thank you.

review: Approve (code)

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