
Created by VCS imports and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/libwpd

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Branch information

VCS imports

Import details

Import Status: Suspended

This branch is an import of the CVS module libwpd from :pserver:anonymous@libwpd.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/libwpd.

Last successful import was .

Import started on pear and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on russkaya and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

33. By lachancew

Warn against using this module..

32. By lachancew

remove broken 'example'

31. By lachancew

remove an errant printf

30. By lachancew

add README with basic installation instructions, remove a few errant
printfs, remove unnecessary OpenOffice build option, convert encoding to
UCS2 from UCS4.

29. By lachancew

updates for new (potentially bogus) OpenOffice configure flag

28. By lachancew

- Make an interface to the stream, instead of hardcoding it in libwpd.
- Reorganization (elimination of code duplication)

27. By lachancew

add character group

26. By lachancew

add style group

25. By lachancew

too many changes to count. added more byte groups. start of list
support (nothing yet). bug/memory leak fixes. etc.

24. By lachancew

yet more work on parsing header packets (now import list definitions,
yay! still no lists support, but it's coming, oh yes it is.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.


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