- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/emesene/1.5.x
Branch merges
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Recent revisions
- 2044. By dxdx
Don't retry passport authentication forever.
The "PASSPORT begin infinte loop" bug was just a pair of brackets - 2042. By c10ud
fixed small bug in preference window, thanks MrG http://
forum.emesene. org/index. php/topic, 3668.msg24734/ topicseen. html#new - 2041. By arieljuod
Inform when a user logs out while being disconnected in a better way and let the user choose that as an option. Disabled by default.
- 2038. By arieljuod
Try/Catch the exception when microsoft does not send the Photo tag on the profile response.
- 2036. By c10ud
[11:38] <pochu> if you use timeout_add(), the program will wakeup more often to see if enough time has already passed
[11:39] <pochu> with timeout_add_seconds( ), it wakes up less frequently since you need to wait in the order of seconds, and not milliseconds
[11:40] <pochu> so timeout_add(100) is fine, but instead of timeout_add(10000), timeout_add_seconds( 10) should be used when possible
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)