
Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Daniel van Vugt

Recent revisions

3280. By Daniel van Vugt

Add extra checks to avoid passing an invalid xid to XGetWindowProperty which
would result in fatal error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter).
(LP: #1019337)

3279. By Sam Spilsbury

Added compiz_discover_tests.

gtest_add_tests is good for the basic Google Test usage, but its source
based scanning falls short in a couple of areas - namely it requires that
there be no space between TEST* and ( and it also does not work for templated

compiz_discover_tests builds a small C++ program to parse the output
of --gtest_list_tests and adds those at make-time to the CTestTestfile.cmake
in the current binary directory. This allows us to correctly introspect the test
 binary and get /all/ the tests regardless of the source file.. Fixes: . Approved by Daniel van Vugt.

3278. By Daniel van Vugt

Introduce proper logging functions for compizconfig. Get rid of those nasty
calls to D() and printf.. Fixes: . Approved by Sam Spilsbury.

3277. By MC Return

Added the plug-in "Stack Window Switcher" converted from git to bzr (including full history) to Compiz. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1012205. Approved by Daniel van Vugt.

3276. By G. Uitslag <email address hidden>

Using the next/previous bindings the wall plugin didn't calculate correctly the next workspace when it reaches the begin or the end of a row of workspaces, so it didn't jump to the next line. (LP: #904205). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/904205. Approved by Daniel van Vugt, Sam Spilsbury.

3275. By Sam Spilsbury

Wait for the server to finish processing requests before doing a bind
(LP: #1016367). Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1016367. Approved by Daniel van Vugt.

3274. By Sam Spilsbury

Don't allow unbinds of textures kept around for animations in any case, not
just resizing. (LP: #1016366)

3273. By Sam Spilsbury


3272. By Sam Spilsbury

Fixes LP (#1018602) : An invalid read when using g_variant_iter_loop.

3271. By Ɓukasz Zemczak

[Doug McMahon]
Add support for initiating window picker in other than nomal mode. For now
added only the additional 'All windows' picker.
(LP: #933776) (LP: #955035)

The code from the all mode comes from a patch made by Doug McMahon. Thanks!

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