
Created by Daniel van Vugt and last modified
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Branch information

Daniel van Vugt
Compiz Core

Recent revisions

3110. By Daniel van Vugt

If running test cases under a real X server, we don't care if Xvfb is missing
(LP: #994841)

3109. By Łukasz Zemczak

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (rev 3243):
Avoid needless STL operations leading to expensive heap operations.
(LP: #1006335)

3108. By Łukasz Zemczak

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (rev 3246):
Fall back to a refresh rate that is more likely to look correct; 60Hz. (LP: #1009338)

The fallback is still only used if sync-to-vblank is not available (disabled in the driver) AND if xrandr doesn't provide a refresh rate.

3107. By Łukasz Zemczak

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (rev 3241):
Check if the window is decorated before trying to change its event window states (which won't exist if not decorated) (LP: #1007754)

3106. By Łukasz Zemczak

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (revs 3236, 3237):
Avoid constructing and destructing lots of strings on every single event, which was wasting lots of CPU (LP: #1005569)
Improve the fix for LP: #1005569:
Calling CompOption::setName should not implicitly construct a new string object every time, when the name is not changing.

This is also an alternative fix to the previous commit, but both together don't hurt either.

3105. By Łukasz Zemczak

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (rev 3227):
Don't allow windows which we weren't even tracking as decoratable to become decorated if they try and change their hints.

For example: unity-2d-panel shouldn't become "decorated" as normal when it tries to change its decoration hints.

Fixes bare type window decorations being added to the draw queue.

(LP: #963794)

3104. By Daniel van Vugt

Cherry-picked from compiz trunk (rev 3126):
Don't assume pkg_check_modules always sets _PREFIX (LP: #993608)

3103. By Sam Spilsbury

Cherry-picked from lp:compiz r3137:
Add synchronization primitives to the decoration protocol so that there
isn't a race where we bind a texture that's being freed.
(LP: #454218) (LP: #929989)

3102. By Daniel van Vugt

Bump version to until we're ready for

3101. By Daniel van Vugt

Post-mortem NEWS corrections.

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