
Created by Alex Valavanis and last modified
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Alex Valavanis

Recent revisions

65. By Alex Valavanis

Drop build-dependency on specific libwpd/libwpg version

64. By Alex Valavanis

* New upstream release (LP: #933188). Fixes several Ubuntu bugs:
  - inkscape fails to build with glib 2.31 (LP: #898538)
  - ctrl c ctrl v of text in edit mode crashes inkscape (LP: #496793)
  - Completely replace lcms1 by lcms2 in Ubuntu (LP: #885324)
  - parameters ending with '\' causes python to bomb (LP: #168417)
  - Extensions with <check> tags fail to load (LP: #668895)
  - ESC doesn't cancel move when using the Node Tool (LP: #788560)
  - unable to edit attributes in Inkscape XML Editor (LP: #884368)
  - Some layers should be visible by default in Layers dialog (LP: #902054)
  - Path Effect List is hidden (LP: #909958)
  - Input Devices > Hardware > Tree of devices is hidden (LP: #910467)
  - Glyphs Font styles are hidden (LP: #911079)
  - Error messages from Extensions hidden (LP: #911079)
  - Messages dialog doesn't work (LP: #911123)
* Drop 02-add-shebangs-and-fix-permissions.dpatch: Applied upstream

63. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 0.48.2-0ubuntu4

62. By Martin Pitt

No-change rebuild against libpoppler19.

61. By Adam Conrad

No-change rebuild to drop spurious libsfgcc1 dependency on armhf.

60. By Michael Terry

No change rebuild for imagemagick4 transition

59. By Alex Valavanis

* New upstream release (LP: #807912). Fixes several Ubuntu bugs:
  - [SVG Font Editor] Crash when kerning an empty pair (LP: #706506)
  - Connector tool crash Inkscake (orthogonal mode) (LP: #771738)
  - Errors printed to console if openclipart search fails (LP: #638844)
  - pdf export with cairo 1.10 defaults to version PDF-1.5 (LP: #664335)
  - Cairo rendering broken for "use" elements when scaling or a viewBox
    (LP: #705345)
  - gimp_xcf.py crashed with TypeError in effect() (LP: #565296)
  - Enable build against libwpg-0.2 (LP: #778951)
  - Please add supported filetypes into MimeType line of inkscape.desktop
    (LP: #278307)
  - Inkscape fails to build with gcc 4.6 (LP: #707205)
* Drop 01-libwpg0.2.dpatch - Applied upstream
* Drop 03-add-missing-mimetypes.dpatch - Applied upstream
* Drop 04-fix-build-with-gcc4.6.dpatch - Applied upstream
* Drop 05-add-missing-includes.dpatch - Applied upstream
* Drop fix-fontforge-glyph-template.dpatch - Applied upstream

58. By Chris Coulson

releasing version 0.48.1-2.1ubuntu1

57. By Chris Coulson

* Merge from Debian Unstable (LP: #791728). Remaining changes:
  - debian/control:
    + Ubuntu maintainers
    + Promote python-lxml, python-numpy, python-uniconvertor to Recommends.
    + Demote pstoedit to Suggests (universe package).
    + Suggest transfig to allow import of xfig files (LP: #668300)
    + Drop unnecessary python and skencil suggestions (LP: #762541)
  - Handle translation tasks for Ubuntu main (LP: #726850):
    + debian/rules: Add dh_translations to binary-arch rule
    + debian/control: Build-Depends dh-translations
  - debian/patches/01_add_unity_quicklist_support.patch: add "New Drawing"
    to Unity quicklist (LP: #676886)
  - debian/patches/fix-fontforge-glyph-template.dpatch: Cherry-pick
    patch from uptream trunk to fix layer structure in template (LP: #565296)
  - debian/patches/02-add-shebangs-and-fix-permissions.dpatch: No longer mark
    JavaScript extension files as standalone executables (LP: #602005):
    + share/extensions/*.js: Revert addition of shebangs
    + share/extensions/Makefile.am: Install *.js using _DATA rule rather
      than _SCRIPTS rule to avoid giving executable permission
* debian/patches/fix-datamatrix-ui.dpatch: Prevent invalid input in
  Datamatrix extension dialog (LP: #738108)
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix FTBFS with gcc 4.6 (Closes: #624770), Thanks to Alex Valavanis
  for the patch.
  - added 04-fix-build-with-gcc4.6.dpatch
* Fix build issues due to missing includes (Closes: #628226), patch
  taken from upstream.
  - added 05-add-missing-includes.dpatch

56. By Michael Terry

* debian/rules: No need to manually call intltool-update on build. This
  is now handled by dh_translations.
* debian/control: No longer suggest python and skencil. They do not
  offer any enhancement to Inkscape (LP: #762541)
* debian/control: Suggest transfig to allow import of xfig files
  (LP: #668300)
* debian/patches/02-add-shebangs-and-fix-permissions.dpatch:
  No longer mark JavaScript extension files as standalone executables
  (LP: #602005):
  - share/extensions/*.js: Revert addition of shebangs
  - share/extensions/Makefile.am: Install *.js using _DATA rule rather
    than _SCRIPTS rule to avoid giving executable permission
* debian/patches/fix-fontforge-glyph-template.dpatch: Cherry-pick
  patch from uptream trunk to fix layer structure in template (LP: #565296)

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