
Created by Johann Prieur and last modified
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Recent revisions

23. By Ali Sabil

Merged Clement David's branch

22. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Add test for ValaWordDetector, and fix "@" prefix for keywords

21. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Fix syntax highlighting to not mis-highlight identifiers like "get_something()"

20. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Remove warnings. Support IFile Eclipse 3.4 interface.

19. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Keep track whether a file has been processed during compilation.

18. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Fixed bug caused by attempting to rebuild closed projects; also, run as separate job. Implement outline view.

17. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Improve code complete with icons, local variables and types. Add an icon for vala files. Improve error reporting to highlight individual characters.

16. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Add classpath & project files so it can be checked out and used in Eclipse directly

15. By Andrew Flegg <andrew@serenity>

Add initial versions of:
  * Code complete (very naive)
  * Incremental builds
  * Package determination (i.e. pkg-config lines)
  * Error reporting in editor

ctags and gcc are required for some of these features. Error handling for when they're not there is sub-optimal.

14. By Johann Prieur

- Fixed unconsistent META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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