
Created by Vagrant Cascadian and last modified
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Branch information

Vagrant Cascadian
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Recent revisions

150. By Vagrant Cascadian

fix spelling typo in sdm-ssh-askpass: consistancy -> consitency

149. By Vagrant Cascadian

updated copyright years

148. By Vagrant Cascadian

also add x-session-manager to list of available window managers

147. By Vagrant Cascadian

use update-alternatives --list instead of --display to determine available
window managers.

146. By Vagrant Cascadian

drop support for selectwm, as it was long ago removed from debian.

145. By Vagrant Cascadian

version 0.4.1

144. By Vagrant Cascadian

ignore .tar.gz and .tar.bz2, so that mkdst doesn't add them to tarballs.

143. By Vagrant Cascadian

set flag so mkdst creates the Changelog file

142. By Vagrant Cascadian

added release.conf to facilitate releasing with mkdst

141. By Vagrant Cascadian

added LTSP screen.d script to run sdm

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar Knit Repository Format 4 (bzr 1.0)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.