Merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/us-184-185-195 into lp://staging/unifield-wm

Proposed by jftempo
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/us-184-185-195
Merge into: lp://staging/unifield-wm
Diff against target: 121 lines (+56/-5)
3 files modified
delivery_mechanism/ (+25/-2)
purchase_override/ (+29/-2)
sale_override/ (+2/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/us-184-185-195
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
UniField Reviewer Team Pending
Review via email:
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2470. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-185 [FIX] In case of reception of less quantities than remaining OUT, split the OUT

2471. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-185 [FIX] When a purchase order is confirmed and sourced an IR, if the OUT is partially processed, take care of the qty already processed

Unmerged revisions

2471. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-185 [FIX] When a purchase order is confirmed and sourced an IR, if the OUT is partially processed, take care of the qty already processed

2470. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-185 [FIX] In case of reception of less quantities than remaining OUT, split the OUT

2469. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-195 [FIX] Colspan the message for PO with requested date in past on 6 columns instead of 4

2468. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-185 [FIX] For OUT created by IR to external consumption unit, if the OUT is partially processed (forced) before receptio...

2467. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-184 [FIX] Let me fix when trying to cancel a splitted PO line linked to a FO line

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