Merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/uf-2246 into lp://staging/unifield-wm

Proposed by jftempo
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/uf-2246
Merge into: lp://staging/unifield-wm
Diff against target: 1736 lines (+1605/-2)
17 files modified
account_corrections/ (+3/-0)
account_journal/ (+1/-0)
account_journal/project/ (+1/-0)
analytic_distribution/wizard/ (+1/-1)
msf_chart_of_account/data/journal_data.xml (+12/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/ (+26/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/ (+72/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/ (+146/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/account_view.xml (+22/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/ (+52/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/res_currency_view.xml (+22/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/test/currency_revaluation.yml (+321/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/wizard/ (+1/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/wizard/ (+863/-0)
msf_currency_revaluation/wizard/wizard_currency_revaluation_view.xml (+60/-0)
msf_profile/ (+1/-0)
res_currency_functional/ (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/uf-2246
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
UniField Reviewer Team Pending
Review via email:
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1901. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [DEL] Useless code that was disrupting behaviour we should have

The solution to substract reval lines was wrong because the computation is wrong with the booking balance.

Some missing values disrupt the booking balance computation: revaluation lines are not OK. This will be fixed in a next commit.

1902. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [FIX] Booking balance computation is wrong because of wrong amount_currency in revaluation lines.

They should be set to 0.0 as debit_currency and credit_currency fields to permit OpenERP to compute in the right way the booking balance.

1903. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [FIX] Do not use msf_chart_of_account dependancy on msf_currency_revaluation module.

Unmerged revisions

1903. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [FIX] Do not use msf_chart_of_account dependancy on msf_currency_revaluation module.

1902. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [FIX] Booking balance computation is wrong because of wrong amount_currency in revaluation lines.

They should be set to 0.0 as debit_currency and credit_currency fields to permit OpenERP to compute in the right way the booking balance.

1901. By Olivier DOSSMANN

UF-2246 [DEL] Useless code that was disrupting behaviour we should have

The solution to substract reval lines was wrong because the computation is wrong with the booking balance.

Some missing values disrupt the booking balance computation: revaluation lines are not OK. This will be fixed in a next commit.

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