Merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/bklg-7 into lp://staging/unifield-wm

Proposed by jftempo
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/bklg-7
Merge into: lp://staging/unifield-wm
Diff against target: 264 lines (+168/-1)
6 files modified
account_mcdb/ (+135/-0)
account_mcdb/ (+4/-1)
account_mcdb/account_mcdb_view.xml (+5/-0)
account_mcdb/ (+20/-0)
account_mcdb/mcdb_view_end.xml (+1/-0)
analytic_distribution/analytic_line_view.xml (+3/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-wm/bklg-7
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
UniField Reviewer Team Pending
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2380. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] tools translate import was missing

2381. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI m2o search field partner/emp tolerated ilike operator (as is default operator in search view) (but use internally = as m2o widget will display adoc value to search

2382. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search: manage ilike AND '=' search

2383. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [IMP] AJI search of third-party partner/emp: at project level if no third party m2o in AJI (sync case) only search the third-party non typed via partner_txt field

2384. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search, allow to search in partner_txt at project level when ilike operator is used

2385. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search, allow to search in partner_txt at project level when ilike operator is used

Unmerged revisions

2385. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search, allow to search in partner_txt at project level when ilike operator is used

2384. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search, allow to search in partner_txt at project level when ilike operator is used

2383. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [IMP] AJI search of third-party partner/emp: at project level if no third party m2o in AJI (sync case) only search the third-party non typed via partner_txt field

2382. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI third party search: manage ilike AND '=' search

2381. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI m2o search field partner/emp tolerated ilike operator (as is default operator in search view) (but use internally = as m2o widget will display adoc value to search

2380. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] tools translate import was missing

2379. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [FIX] AJI search view: analytical selector no journal search as internal transfer accounts have no AD

2378. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [IMP] AJI search view: partner and employee search fields (by third-party type)

2377. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [IMP] Analytical selector: AJI employee search field (as with partner_txt field we have not the third party type)

2376. By Vincent GREINER

BKLG-7 [IMP] Analytical selector: AJI partner search field from JI (as with partner_txt field we have not the partner type)

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