Created by
Quentin THEURET @Amaris
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~unifield-team/unifield-server/us-635-475-1168
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UniField Dev Team
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
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dependent on this one.
for merging
- Quentin THEURET @Amaris: Pending requested
Diff: 1929 lines (+789/-154)25 files modifiedbin/addons/msf_custom_settings/view/purchase_view.xml (+2/-0)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/purchase_order.py (+26/-4)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/report/in_simulation_screen_xls_report.mako (+5/-1)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/report/po_simulation_screen_xls_report.mako (+14/-8)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/view/purchase_order_import_line_view.xml (+2/-0)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/wizard_in_simulation_screen.py (+68/-38)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/wizard_in_simulation_screen_view.xml (+2/-0)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/wizard_po_simulation_screen.py (+143/-46)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/wizard_po_simulation_screen_view.xml (+3/-1)
bin/addons/msf_outgoing/wizard/incoming_shipment_processor.py (+3/-1)
bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml (+4/-0)
bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po (+202/-22)
bin/addons/msf_profile/msf_profile.py (+20/-0)
bin/addons/msf_supply_doc_export/msf_supply_doc_export.py (+34/-0)
bin/addons/msf_supply_doc_export/report/report_incoming_shipment_xls.mako (+3/-1)
bin/addons/msf_supply_doc_export/report/report_incoming_shipment_xml.mako (+1/-0)
bin/addons/msf_supply_doc_export/report/report_validated_purchase_order_xls.mako (+80/-2)
bin/addons/msf_supply_doc_export/report/report_validated_purchase_order_xml.mako (+20/-0)
bin/addons/purchase_override/purchase.py (+108/-5)
bin/addons/purchase_override/purchase_view.xml (+2/-0)
bin/addons/purchase_override/report/merged_order.rml (+8/-7)
bin/addons/purchase_override/report/purchase_order.rml (+22/-9)
bin/addons/purchase_override/report/rfq.rml (+9/-8)
bin/addons/res_currency_functional/order_line_view.xml (+2/-1)
bin/addons/sourcing/procurement_order.py (+6/-0)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 4008. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-635 [FIX] Display the magnifying glasses next to the good field on PO line form view
- 4007. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-635 [FIX] FIx issue when open a PO line that have no sale order line attached
- 4006. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-635 [FIX] FIx issue when open a PO line that have no sale order line attached
- 4005. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-1168 [FIX] Delete all lines with same number if one line is marked as [DELETE]
- 4003. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-1168 [FIX] Incoming shipment simulation report: Don't display two times the line number
- 4002. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-1168 [FIX] IN simulation screen Excel report: Don't display '0' if there is no Ext. Ref. for a line
- 4000. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-635 [IMP] Purchase order: Number of lines is computed by the number of distinct line number in a same order
- 3999. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris
US-1168 [FIX] IN simulation screen report: Display both line number and external ref of lines
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/unifield-server