
Created by Quentin THEURET @Amaris and last modified
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UniField Dev Team
Unifield Server

Recent revisions

4288. By Mallory MARCOT

 US-1646 [IMP] to have a way to know when the Ship is still not validated

4287. By Mallory MARCOT

US-1646 [IMP] Display line_number, product code and description for splitted lined

4286. By Mallory MARCOT

US-1646 [IMP] to have a way to know when the Ship is still not validated

4285. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-1646 [FIX] the report should show RTS date for sourced FOs, and then if this is updated when FO is Confirmed or for any status after, this should also be displayed in the report.

4284. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-1646 [FIX] If goods are packed, but the SHIP is still in draft. Can we indicate the PPL and SHIP reference?

4283. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-1646 [FIX] ETA is never filled. Currently users use the ETA column to define the real ETA based on their own judgement/planning.

4282. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-1646 [FIX] If an FO is in status Confirmed as CDD is set on document level. This CDD should be displayed in the column CDD of the follow up.

4281. By Quentin THEURET @Amaris

US-1646 [FIX] If a FO is canceled, the Qty to deliver remains the originally requested qty. In this case the Qty to deliver should be set to 0.

4280. By jftempo

Release UF4.0

4279. By jftempo

US-2394 [FIX] Revert rules

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