
Created by JC Hulce and last modified

Main channel for the supernatural release family. To add your code to the project, propose it to be merged with the dev channel. The dev channel is then merged into main for each release. Dev channel is the first place to get new features and fixed bugs.

Dev is frozen before each release. The deadline for new features to be added is six days before the release. The deadline for new code to be merged in is two days before the release. Dev channel is merged into main the night before each release.

DO NOT commit code directly to dev or to main, unless you are doing an authorized merge. Instead, commit code to the branch lp:~<userid>/<project-name>/<branch-name> where userid is your launchpad id, project-name is the launchpad id of the project, and branch-name is a unique name for your branch. Then, propose for your branch to be merged into dev.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/ugr-seeds/supernatural
Members of Team UGR can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

Branch merges

Related bugs

Related blueprints

Branch information

Team UGR

Recent revisions

26. By JC Hulce

* Cleaned up dependencies
  * removed ubuntu-artwork and ubuntu one music store
  * removed notify-osd (LP: #788507)
  * added ugr-wallpapers

25. By JC Hulce

* Added plymouth-theme-ugr-super as dependency
  * 0.1.1 release!

24. By JC Hulce

0.1.0 release

23. By JC Hulce

* Added cantarell-fonts as dependency
  * Added gnome-session-fallback as dependency
  * Added gnome-session-common as dependency

22. By JC Hulce

Added gnome-tweak-tool as a dependency

21. By JC Hulce

* Removed ugr-meta-gc
  * Added ABOUT file
  * Fixed copyright errors

20. By JC Hulce

* Listed gir1.2-mutter-2.91 as conflicted and replaced
* Listed gnome-accessibility-themes as conflicted and replaced

19. By JC Hulce

Cleaned up mutter references

18. By JC Hulce

Updated dependencies

17. By JC Hulce

Removed gnome-accessibility-themes from conflicts, because it is a dependency of gnome-shell and others, even though it causes conflicts

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
