
Created by Daniel Holbach and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu SDK Tutorial Developers
Ubuntu SDK Tutorials

Recent revisions

11. By Daniel Holbach

Step 11 - make display of articles a bit nicer

10. By Daniel Holbach

Step 10 - make 'Cancel' button of 'add feed' dialog work

9. By Daniel Holbach

Step 9 - add a toolbar button and a dialog to add feeds, hook button, dialog and localstorage up with each other

8. By Daniel Holbach

Step 8 - add progress spinner when feeds are loaded

7. By Daniel Holbach

Step 7 - show articles on a separate page called 'article'

6. By Daniel Holbach

Step 6 - add local jquery copy, add a page called 'results' with a list ('resultscontent'), which we fill with Google's feeds jsapi

5. By Daniel Holbach

Step 5 - add a list called 'yourfeeds' to 'main' page, append feeds from localstorage to it. If localstorage is empty, add a set of default feeds

4. By Daniel Holbach

Step 4 - change title and description of the app, add a pagestack with one page ('main')

3. By Daniel Holbach

Step 3 - remove more useless code (all of css, most of js)

2. By Daniel Holbach

Step 2 - remove everything in the 'content' <div>

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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