
Created by Francis Ginther and last modified
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Members of Ubuntu Repository Cache Charmers, Canonical can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Recent revisions

271. By Haw Loeung

Add support for Juju storage. Useful for example in Azure.

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~hloeung/ubuntu-repository-cache/juju-storage/+merge/385974
Reviewed-by: Barry Price <email address hidden>

269. By Benjamin Allot

Reduce the threshold of cache_swap_min and max

Try to reclaim space in the cache more aggrssively, as this is the
main suspected culprit in having an overall cache size getting
higher than the cache_dir size parameter.

For context, see http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/squid-3-5-27-does-not-respect-cache-dir-size-but-uses-100-of-partition-and-fails-td4685845.html#a4685883

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~ballot/ubuntu-repository-cache/cache_swap/+merge/382215
Reviewed-by: Laurent Sesques <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Haw Loeung <email address hidden>

268. By Benjamin Allot

Delete the old metadata items befoire syncing the new ones.

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~ballot/ubuntu-repository-cache/rsync_before/+merge/382205
Reviewed-by: Barry Price <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Haw Loeung <email address hidden>

267. By Haw Loeung

Fixed CI jobs failing due to apache2 being stopped/inactive.

Fixed race with site archive_ubuntu_com not existing on install.

Log apache2 start/reloads.

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~hloeung/ubuntu-repository-cache/host-service-reload/+merge/382254
Reviewed-by: Paul Collins <email address hidden>

266. By Haw Loeung

[trivial] Fixed output on retry attempts

265. By Haw Loeung

Make metadata sync more resilient and retry

For Ubuntu Archive, it's fine because the sync host usually resolves
to more than one host/IP and therefore it goes through each but for
something like Ubuntu Ports, it's only a single host/IP. Instead,
let's retry up to 3 times before moving onto the next host.

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~hloeung/ubuntu-repository-cache/retry-for-each-host/+merge/378544
Reviewed-by: Paul Collins <email address hidden>

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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