
Created by Alexander Sack and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team
Firefox Extensions

Recent revisions

9. By Alexander Sack

(merge lp:~jazzva/firefox-extensions/mozilla-livehttpheaders-0.15)
RELEASE 0.15-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/karmic
* New upstream release (LP: #413164)
* Add .bzr-builddeb/default.conf
* Use med-xpi-pack from mozilla-devscripts package
  - remove debian/med-xpi-pack
  - remove MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND from debian/rules
  - Build-Depend on mozilla-devscripts (>= 0.10), since we didn't have
    med-xpi-pack in previous versions
  - remove zip from Build-Depends, since it was needed for
* Remove alternate dependencies firefox-3.0 | firefox-2, they are not present
  in karmic (LP: #272959)
* Add alternate dependency to abrowser
* Update Maintainer field in debian/control, as per DebianMaintainerField
* Update Vcs-{Browser,Bzr} fields in debian/control
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2
* Upstream doesn't incorrectly ship files as executables, remove chmod lines
  in debian/rules
* Update path to GPL2 in debian/copyright to make Lintian happy

8. By Alexander Sack

RELEASE 0.14-0ubuntu2 to ubuntu/intrepid
* fix LP: #272772: packages that Depend/Recommend/Suggest firefox
  (meta-package) must alternatively Depend/Recommend/Suggest abrowser
  - update debian/control

7. By Alexander Sack

* merge RELEASE 0.14-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepid from ~jazzva contribution branch (LP: #241160)

  Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-21 * Adjust debian/rules to use med-xpi-pack
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-21 * Add med-xpi-pack to debian/
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-21 * Merge with .upstream r4
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-21 * Adjust directory layout for use of med-xpi-pack
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 Merge with ~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/mozilla-livehttpheaders.ubuntu
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 Add Homepage field in debian/control, update copyright
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 Fix changelog entry
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 * Adapt debian rules to the layout of chrome/ dir
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 Merge with ~jazzva/firefox-extensions/mozilla-livehttpheaders.upstream
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-07-07 New upstream, unpacked from upstream xpi. We're not using sources from debian
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-06-25 Add (LP: #....) to debian/changelog to close bug report
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-06-23 Indicate as a merge in debian/changelog, add changelog entry from debian for 0.14-1 and update ubuntu...
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-06-22 * Adjust packaging to the layout of new upstream tree
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-06-22 Merge with .upstream branch (new upstream version 0.14)
    Sasa Bodiroza 2008-06-22 New upstream version 0.14

6. By Alexander Sack

RELEASE 0.13.1-3ubuntu3 to ubuntu/hardy

5. By Saša Bodiroža

 * In debian/changelog: Fixed LP bug number

4. By Saša Bodiroža

 * Repackaged to make use of xpi.mk

3. By Saša Bodiroža

 * Added chrome.manifest for Chrome Registration

2. By Saša Bodiroža

 * In install.rdf: Bumped maxVersion to 3.0.*

1. By Saša Bodiroža

 * Initial upload (v 0.13.1)

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Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
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