
Created by Sebastien Bacher and last modified
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Ubuntu Desktop

Recent revisions

312. By Sebastien Bacher

 [ Lars Uebernickel ] Update local tests patch and remove settings hacks

311. By Sebastien Bacher

  - Build-Depends on dbus-x11n g_test_dbus_up() is using dbus-launch
  - Build-Depends on at-spi2-core, needed for the tests
  - copy build hacks from debian to use local schemas

310. By Sebastien Bacher

[ Lars Uebernickel ]
* 015_default-fallback-icon-theme.patch:
  - drop: fixed differently upstream

309. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/control.in:
  - updated cairo, glib, wayland requirements
* Renamed some patches to follow in serie and indicate correct origin
* debian/patches/git_bookmark_ellipsize.patch:
  - dropped, the fix is in the new version
* debian/rules:
  - drop armhf -O0 workaround, gcc got fixed since

308. By Sebastien Bacher

[ Lars Uebernickel ]
* New upstream version
* debian/patches/git-gtkmodelmenuitem-icon-support.patch,
  - drop: fixed upstream
* debian/patches/abicheck-dynamic-backends:
  - drop: abicheck was removed upstream
* debian/patches/075_expose_gdkwidget_for_gtkrange.patch:
  - drop: ido doesn't use this anymore
* debian/patches/102_add_wayland_symbols.patch:
  - drop: symbols are exported automatically now
* debian/patches/015_default-fallback-icon-theme.patch,
  - update from debian
* debian/patches/uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch:
  - update: make it apply (gtkuimanager.c was moved to deprecated)
* debian/patches/ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch:
  - update: gtkmodelmenu was replaced by gtkmenutracker
* debian/patches/073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch:
  - update: property wrongly marked as readable (caught by the new tests)
* Add debian/patches/gtk-object-tests-run-under-local-environment.patch:
  - make new tests work non-installed (GNOME #711715)

307. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gtk+3.0 version 3.8.6-0ubuntu4

306. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gtk+3.0 version 3.8.6-0ubuntu3

305. By Sebastien Bacher

[ Ritesh Khadgaray ]
* debian/patches/git_bookmark_ellipsize.patch:
  - GtkFileChooserButton dialog stretched, when user has a really long name
    saved to bookmark (lp: #956855)

304. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gtk+3.0 version 3.8.6-0ubuntu2

303. By Sebastien Bacher

* Backport fixes from git
* debian/patches/git_frame_disconnect.patch
  - "This fixes high wake-up count from any application using GtkTreeView,
     even idle ones."
* debian/patches/git_submenus_leak.patch:
  - "don't leak submenus", thanks Lars Uebernickel (lp: #1199877)

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