
Created by Sebastien Bacher and last modified
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Ubuntu Desktop
GNOME Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

260. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version, refreshed patches,
  thanks Jeremy Bicha for starting the work on the new version
* debian/control.in:
  - breaks unity-greeter (<< 0.2.1-0ubuntu1) due to the wacom schema rename
  - build-depends on libwacom
  - updated gtk, gnome-desktop3, g-d-s, upower requirements
* debian/gnome-settings-daemon.gsettings-override:
  - don't set deprecated "sleep-inactive-battery" key
* debian/patches/90_set_gmenus_xsettings.patch:
  - refreshed, we don't handle gnome-shell xsettings yet because we still
    ship 3.2, that patch will need an update if we go for the new version
* debian/patches/git_gsettings_write_only_when_required.patch;
  - dropped the fix is in the new version
* debian/patches/47_delay_pa_connect_to_idle.patch:
  - commented, will need to be updated if still needed
* debian/patches/revert_git_datetime_dropping.patch:
  - revert the datetime service dropping, ubuntu-system-service doesn't
    implement the timedated interfaces
* debian/patches/revert_git_dropping_gconf_wrapper.patch:
  - revert the gconf code dropping, we might still need the settings
    gateway for the lts (though it's a bit hackish)
* debian/patches/revert_git_use_gsetting_keybindings.patch:
  - revert the keybindings switch to gsettings, compiz is not ready,
    it's likely possible to update the patch to do either according to
    the session in use at runtime if somebody wants to work on that
* debian/patches/revert_git_a11y_gsettings.patch:
  - similar to the previous one
* debian/patches/revert_git_stop_using_gconf.patch:
  - don't stop using gconf, the other patches listed before need it
* debian/rules:
  - don't use -Bsymbolic-functions to workaround upstream issues
  - drop deprecated --enable-pulse option
* debian/watch:
  - watch for .xz

259. By Michael Terry

* debian/patches/06_use_application_indicator.patch:
  - Check for gtk3 version of libappindicator, not gtk2
* debian/patches/sync_keyboard_layout_to_accountsservice.patch:
  - Sync user's list of layouts to accountsservice so it can in turn
    inform LightDM. LP: #915468

258. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 3.2.2-0ubuntu15

257. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/46_share_rr_screen.patch:
  - dropped that optimization, upstream fixed it in gnome-desktop instead

256. By Marc Deslauriers

debian/patches/51_always_lock_screen_on_suspend.patch: added missing
brackets that was preventing screen locking from working at all.
(LP: #924336)

255. By Marc Deslauriers

debian/patches/51_always_lock_screen_on_suspend.patch: updated to
lock the screen on suspend and hibernate, but only if the user hasn't
configured autologin.

254. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 3.2.2-0ubuntu12

253. By Sebastien Bacher

* Updated some patches with bug references
* debian/patches/02_missing_libs.patch:
  - dropped, that patch is a leftover and not required nowadays

252. By Martin Pitt

debian/gnome-settings-daemon.gsettings-override: Set default idle dim time
to 30 seconds. 10 seconds is a bit unnerving when you want to read
something or show photos. (LP: #918928)

251. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/16_use_synchronous_notifications.patch:
  - use the correct widget so the media key sounds work (lp: #909407)

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