
Created by Jim Campbell and last modified

This branch is being abandoned, and future changes will be tracked in lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty

This branch will be deleted on the week of April 18th, 2011.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty-unity
Members of Ubuntu Documentation Committers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Ubuntu Documentation Committers
Gnome Documentation

Recent revisions

1447. By Matthew East

Updating Makefile for removed images

1446. By Jim Campbell

removed extra image files to save space. moved images that are in-use into the figures dir.

1445. By Matthew East

Updating Makefile for *more* new images

1444. By Matthew East

Updating Makefile for new images

1443. By Matthew East

Merging from ~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty with updated changelog and Makefile

1442. By Jim Campbell

merged-in changes from jeremy bicha. some still require further review. added the two pages i forgot to add on my last commit.

1441. By Jim Campbell

Moved the Edit Wireless Connection page to the section for wireless networking.

1440. By Jim Campbell

updates the the about-this-guide page to suit Ubuntu.

1439. By Jim Campbell

updated the hidden wireless internet connection instructions to be relevant to ubuntu.

1438. By Jim Campbell

updated the wireless internet connection instructions to be relevant to ubuntu.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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