- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/wily-proposed/spice-gtk
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 24. By Sebastien Bacher
debian/control: don't make glib-dev depends on libspice-
server- dev,
it's not needed and not available on some architecture which makes
the binary not installable (http://bugs.debian. org/792407) - 23. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* New upstream release
* Update debian/copyright
* Add build-depends on gtk-doc
* Enable LZ4 support
* Update libspice-client- glib-2. 0-8.symbols
* Update spice-client-glib-usb- acl-helper description
* Added spice-gtk-dbg package (Closes:783463) - 22. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* New upstream release
* Refresh debian/copyright, new file added
* debian/patches:
- - remove-srcdir- or-top- srcdir- in-makefile- am.patch, refresh
- explicitly-enable- subdir- objects. patch, refresh
- do-not-build-tests. patch, remove, upstream provide option to
disable tests build
* Add build-depends on libsoup2.4-dev
* Refresh libspice-client- glib-2. 0-8.symbols - 21. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* New upstream release
* Refresh debian/copyright, new file added
* debian/patches:
- make-celt-to-be-optional. patch, remove, upstream
have similar patch
- remove-srcdir- or-top- srcdir- in-makefile- am.patch, refresh
* Enable opus - 20. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* Enable dbus support (Closes: 737663)
* Remove build-depends on libspice-protocol- dev
and libspice-server- dev, not needed.
* Add build-depends on libssl-dev - 19. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* New upstream release
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes)
* debian/patches:
- make-celt-to-be-optional. patch, refresh
- explicitly-enable- subdir- objects. patch, refresh
- remove-srcdir- or-top- srcdir- in-makefile- am.patch, refresh
- fix-usbredir-being-broken- since-commit- 159c6ebf. patch, remove,
applied upstream
- palette-regression. patch, remove, applied upstream
- do-not-build-tests. patch, add
* Refresh *.symbols - 18. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* debian/atches:
- palette-regression. patch, add, (Closes: 727707) - 17. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* debian/patches:
- fix-usbredir-being-broken- since-commit- 159c6ebf. patch,
add, (Closes: 726292) - 16. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
* New upstream release (Closes: 724473)
* debian/patches:
- make-celt-to-be-optional. patch, refresh
- add-spice_channel_ string_ to_type- to-map- files.patch,
remove, applied upstream
- explicitly-enable- subdir- objects. patch, new, or
compile with automake 1.14 will fail
- remove-srcdir- or-top- srcdir- in-makefile- am.patch, new.
* Refresh debian/libspice- client- gtk-{2, 3}.0-4. symbols
* set spice-client-glib-usb- acl-helper replaces and breaks
libspice-client- glib-2. 0-1, which is in wheezy
(Closes: #718962, #722533) - 15. By Liang Guo <email address hidden>
set spice-client-
glib-usb- acl-helper replaces
libspice-client- glib-2. 0-8 too (Closes: #718962)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/wily/spice-gtk