
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

10. By Marc Deslauriers

* SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via double free flaw
  - debian/patches/CVE-2015-5177.patch: fix double free if
    SLPDKnownDAAdd() fails in slpd/slpd_knownda.c.
  - CVE-2015-5177

9. By Guillem Jover <email address hidden>

* QA upload.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed).
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
* Switch to machine-parseable copyright format.
* Reorder binary package stanzas in debian/control.
* Split common and specific package descriptions into distinct paragraphs
  so that translations are easier.
* Reword package summaries.
* Mark slpd and slptool as Multi-Arch:foreign, libslp1 and libslp-dev as
  Multi-Arch:same. Closes: #755935
* Clean up debian/rules:
  - Explicitly set DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE.
  - Remove unused DEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM and DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU assignments.
  - Remove commented out debhelper commands.
  - Do not pass any argument to update-rc.d via dh_installinit.
  - Pass --host and --build to configure only when cross-compiling.
  - Pass --disable-silent-rules to configure, preemptively.
  - Enable hardening build flags.
* Clean up init script:
 - Update LSB header descriptions.
 - Add LSB status action support.
 - Rename debian/init.d to debian/slpd.init.
 - Add new PIDFILE variable.
* Remove unnecessary debian/dirs, dh_installinit takes care of creating the
  etc/init.d directory.
* Remove debian/preinst, as it was wrongly using start-stop-daemon directly,
  and invoke-rc.d is already being injected by debhelper to stop the daemon
  on upgrade.
* Remove «set -x» from slpd postinst.
* Namespace stray debhelper files with «slpd.» in debian/ filenames.
* Remove trailing spaces from debian/ files.
* Change the libcrypto configure-time checks conditional on whether it is
  going to be used at build time, so that we can remove the libssl-dev
* Add a debian/watch file.
* Add a basic symbols file for libslp1.
* Fix a typo in slptool's program output message.
* Fix a typo in an automake coditional in the code, that was not properly
* Fix handling of string-list in common/slp_common.c by not increasing
  the item pointer past the string-list pointer, and letting '\\' only
  escape the item separator ','. Although not reproduced it should in
  theory fix CVE-2012-4428. Closes: #687597

8. By Regis Boudin <email address hidden>

* QA upload.
* Drop 99_auroreconf patch, use dh-autoreconf instead. Ajust build-depends
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
* Drop duplicate Section and Priority fields from debian/control.
* Move to dh_install instead of dh_movefiles.
* Switch to format 3.0 (quilt).
* Call make disclean in clean target, stop finishing the cleanup manually.
* Enable building of the static lib, and ship it in libslp1-dev.
* Stop shipping the .la file.
* Bump debhelper compat version to 8. Ajust build-depends accordingly.
* Drop build-depends on debconf.
* Remove manual calls to ldconfig, debhelper adds them for us.
* Stop the debconf abuse, ship a README.Debian with libslp1 instead.
  Closes: #613472.
* Drop now unneeded BSD-specific tricks from debian/rules.

7. By Moritz Muehlenhoff <email address hidden>

* Orphan the package, setting maintainer to Debian QA group
* Fix CVE-2010-3609 (Closes: #623551, Closes: #621030)

6. By Christian Perrier

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Bump debhelper compatibility to 7
* As a consequence of the former, replace deprecated "dh_clean -k"
  by dh_prep
* Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
  - Danish (Joe Hansen). Closes: #581056

5. By Petter Reinholdtsen <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload to solve release goal.
* Correct init.d script dependencies to make sure slpd
  starts before slapd (Closes: #279297).
* Add homepage link in control file.
* Add 'set -e' to libslp1 postrm and postinst, to make sure
  errors are not ignored. Thanks, lintian, for the warning.
* Add ${misc:Depends} as dependency for all binary packages.
  Thanks, lintian, for the warning.

4. By Andreas Henriksson

* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/libslp1.config, debian/control:
  Comment out dead code to avoid needing netstat, add a warning about
  needing pre-depends when/if uncommenting code, and drop depends on
  net-tools (Closes: #455447, #528739, #534567)
* debian/po/de.po:
  Avoid sexual ambiguity in german translation (Closes: #506107)
* debian/patches/*, debian/control, debian/rules:
  Add debian/patches/01_have_net_if_arp.diff, add quilt patch system,
  and dump autoreconf results into debian/patches/99_autoreconf.diff
  (Closes: #394388)
* debian/po/es.po: Add updated spanish translation (Closes: #507444)
* debian/rules: make clean remove config.{guess,sub} to avoid cluttering
  the package.diff.gz.

3. By Christian Perrier

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
  - Dutch. Closes: #501377

2. By Riku Voipio

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Workaround maintainers mistake of adding debian/conffiles
  to orig.tar.gz
* Fix clean target, Closes: #432887
  Thanks Kartik Mistry

1. By Riku Voipio

Import upstream version 1.2.1

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