
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/wily-proposed/gpac
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

36. By Rico Tzschichholz

No-change rebuild against ffmpeg 2.7

35. By Alessio Treglia

[ Balint Reczey ]
* Rename library package to libgpac4 (Closes: #791490)
* Convert to multiarch (Closes: #791492)
* Bump standards version
* Add symbols file
* Pass CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to ./configure
* Remove space from license names
* Drop all include files in extra_lib from upstream source
* Fix upstream version number's dfsg postfix
* Fix symbols file for libgpac4

[ Alessio Treglia ]
* Fix unmanaged SONAME bump. Add Breaks/Replaces fields for a smooth
  libgpac3 -> libgpac4 migration.
* Multiarchify libgpac-dbg
* Fix few lintian warnings concerning debian/copyright.

34. By Balint Reczey

[ Alessio Treglia ]
* New upstream version 0.5.2-426-gc5ad4e4 (Closes: #776301, #783879)
* Update repacking mechanism.
  The project moved to github.
* Update repack.sh
* Update compression in gbp.conf
* Refresh patches

[ Balint Reczey ]
* Refresh remaining patches
* Update passing revision to configure
* Don't fail the build intentionally on unknown systems
* Skip test using .swf file
* List removed files in copyright file
* Remove sourceless .swf from original tarball
* Add myself to uploaders

33. By Micah Gersten

Rebuild for new libfreenect

32. By Alessio Treglia

* New upstream snapshot.
* Refresh patches.
* debian/copyright:
  - Improve copyright and licensing information on src/utils/unicode.c.
    Thanks to bastien ROUCARIES for pointing this out. (Closes: #754732)
  - Update debian/* copyright holders's information.
  - Mention debian/copyright in debian/source/lintian-overrides to
    avoid lintian's license-problem-non-free-RFC error.

31. By Colin Watson

Rebuild against libav11.

30. By Adam Conrad

implicit-declarations.patch: Include gpac/network.h to fix implicit
declarations of gf_url_concatenate that become pointer conversions.

29. By Reinhard Tartler

* Merge from debian. Remaining changes:
  - Update build-deps for the xmlrpc-c 1.33.06 transition.

28. By Dimitri John Ledkov

No change rebuild against libopenjpeg5.

27. By Adam Conrad

Update build-deps for the xmlrpc-c 1.33.06 transition.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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