
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

21. By Stefan Bader

Add LDFLAGS to avoid issues with accessing global variables in
shared libraries (LP: #1470687, LP: #1472115).

20. By Chris J Arges

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
 - autofs.upstart script
 - debian/rules: build with sssldir path
 - d/p/fix-ssslib-search.patch - parts replaced by fix-sssldir.patch
 - d/p/16group_buffer_size.patch
* Dropped patches:
  - CVE-2014-8169-add-a-prefix-to-program-map-stdvars.patch
  - CVE-2014-8169-add-config-option-to-force-use-of-program-map-stdvars.patch
  - lp1386869-fix-cant-automount-when--host-exist

19. By Seyeong Kim

Fix mount issues when using '-host' in conf file. (LP: #1386869)

18. By Marc Deslauriers

* SECURITY UPDATE: privilege escalation via interpreter load path
  - debian/patches/CVE-2014-8169-*.patch: add a prefix to program map
    stdvars and a config option to override it in include/mounts.h,
    lib/mounts.c, modules/lookup_program.c, modules/parse_sun.c,
    include/defaults.h, lib/defaults.c, modules/lookup_program.c,
    samples/autofs.conf.default.in, document changes in
    man/autofs.5, man/auto.master.5.in.
  - CVE-2014-8169

17. By Matthias Klose

Build with -fgnu89-inline. Closes: #777787.

16. By Luke Yelavich

[ Greg Lutostanski ]
* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #1351337) Remaining changes:
  - debian/autofs.upstart - upstart job
  - debian/patches/16group_buffer_size.patch:
    + prevents package to eat the cpu if you have large groups.
  - Add support for sssd backend

15. By Rafael David Tinoco

Fix file descriptor leak when reloading daemon. (LP: #1316125)

14. By Dimitri John Ledkov

No change rebuild against new dh_installinit, to call update-rc.d at

13. By Adam Conrad

* fix-ssslib-search.patch: Don't skip sssd autofs search if presseded.
* rules: set ssslibdir correctly when calling configure (LP: #1081489)

12. By Timo Aaltonen

* Add support for sssd backend (LP: #1081489)
  - control: Add sssd-common to build-depends.
  - rules: Set sssldir for the sssd module so autoreconf knows about it.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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